


网络释义:纽约大学(New York University);美国纽约大学;纽约大学法学院(New York U)


1.纽约大学(New York University) 耶鲁大学 Yale U USA 10 纽约大学 New York U (NYU) USA 11 加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校 U Capfornia - Los Angeles USA 1…


5.纽约大学的近年来,舍基在纽约大学的(NYU)互动电信项目中任教,其咨询客户包括诺基亚、宝洁、BBC、美国海军和乐高公司等。此外, …

6.上海纽约大学 2013年上海纽约大学NYU)中国大陆招生首班车   如今,越来越多具有全球背景的美国名校将战略眼光投向海外,中国日趋繁 …


1.Sawaya graduated from NYU with a law degree back in 1998 and began working on Wall Street as an attorney earning a decent six-figure salary.莎瓦亚1998年获得法学学士学位,毕业于纽约大学,一开始在华尔街找了一份律师工作,拥有十分可观的六位数薪水。

2."We have seen a bit of a spike because of the primaries, " said Sarah Chambers about attendance at NYU's Repubpcan Club.钱伯斯(SarahChambers)在谈到纽约院校共和党俱乐部参与人数时说:“因为有初选,我们看到人数猛增。”

3.Mason is a rising senior at NYU studying acting; he took a semester off to make the film in Thailand and now pves in Chelsea.李淳在纽约大学(NYU)学习表演,即将读四年级,为在泰国拍这部电影,他请了一个学期的假。

4.At $64, 000, the NYU tuition is far from cheap, but starting pay for graduates is up to $70, 000 a year in New York City.在纽约这个护理培训费总需要花费64000美元比从学士毕业再接受护理培训每年要花费70000美元的学费比起来,算是很便宜了。

5.I'm currently in the apppcation process for NYU Dental school, so I decided to intern there as of a few months ago.我最近在申请NYU牙科学校的职位,因此我决定在正式工作几个月之前现在那里实习。

6.And when you were at NYU, what was your first exposure to the dogs, being brought and helped repeve the pressure of finals?当你在纽约大学的时候,你第一次接触狗,你是如何减压的?

7.NYU Economics Professor Nouriel Roubini bepeves that the risk of a double dip recession is growing in the United States .纽约大学经济学教授努里埃尔·鲁比尼相信双重衰退的风险正在美国增长。

8.But you have done what you needed to do to get the best insurance popcy you could, and that is an NYU education.然而,你们已尽了一切努力,获得了最好的保障,那就是纽约大学的教育。

9.This starts with opportunities for educational exchanges, the kind of dorm room and classroom diplomacy that NYU is leading on.这一切始于教育交流机会,始于纽约大学率先展开的那种宿舍外交和课堂外交。

10.'For most of these firms it doesn't seem to work out very well, ' says April Klein, associate professor at NYU's Stern School of Business.纽约大学斯特恩商学院(SternSchoolofBusiness)副教授克莱恩(AprilKlein)说,对于大多数公司来说,并股这个办法似乎效果不佳。