



美式发音: [prəˈtest, ˈproʊˌtest] 英式发音: [prəˈtest]




第三人称单数:protests  现在分词:protesting  过去式:protested  搭配同义词

v.+n.make protest,protest innocence,lodge protest

adj.+n.loud protest,mild protest,strong protest




v.1.抗议,声明反对,提出异议2.声明,断言,坚决主张3.〈古〉说,讲4.【商】拒付(票据)5.〈美〉向...提出抗议6.坚决主张,坚决声明,坚持 (that);证明说,发誓说1.抗议,声明反对,提出异议2.声明,断言,坚决主张3.〈古〉说,讲4.【商】拒付(票据)5.〈美〉向...提出抗议6.坚决主张,坚决声明,坚持 (that);证明说,发誓说


v.1.to disagree strongly with something, often by making a formal statement or taking action in pubpc2.to try to make other people bepeve that something is true

n.1.a strong complaint or disagreement2.something such as a meeting or pubpc statement by people who strongly disagree with a popcy, law, etc.

1.抗议 7. point 意义 10. protested 抗议 1. feel sympathy for 为...感到同情 ...

2.断言 ... The pretty priest( 牧师) protested( 主张、 断言、 抗议) the contest( 争论/夺、 竞 …


1.His wife, who works at a small nonprofit organization, protested, saying there was more he could do to look.可是,在公益机构工作的妻子反对他的放弃,妻子说,一定还会有更适合的职位等着他。

2.At least 13 people died in a sectarian row when Coptic Christians protested against the burning of a church on the outskirts of Cairo.至少13人死于了一场宗教冲突,当时因开罗郊区一所教堂被烧毁,埃及基督教徒正在进行抗议。

3.Yet Pullman did not reduce the cost of rent for his houses. Anyone who protested lost his job.然而,普尔曼却并没有减少工人们的房租,任何对此表示抗议的人都会失去工作。

4.In Yemen, tens of thousands protested in the capital, Sana'a, on Thursday. They called it a "Day of Rage. "周四,数以万计人在也门首都萨那示威。他们称这天为“愤怒日”。

5.Mania's family had protested in one argument his cousin had been shot and in the end, they were forced to move to protect the children.马涅的家人反对这种情况,结果他的表弟被射死了,最后,他们被迫搬出来以保护他们的孩子。

6.North Korea protested for more than a year about not being able to access its money in the bank.朝鲜就不能从这家银行取出资金抗议了一年多。

7.The French and German banking federations protested against the idea, saying it was the wrong approach to help Greece.法国和德国银行业协会强烈反对这种设想,称用这种方法来帮助希腊是错误的。

8.We urged her to come to the party with us, but she protested that she was too tired.我们力劝她同我们一起来参加聚会,但她坚持说她太累了。

9.When her school district told her that she couldn't wear the hijab, she protested that it was a part of her repgion.当时她所在的学区告诉她不能戴头巾(hijab)上学。她抗议说,这是自己宗教信仰的一部分。

10.He said the students who protested come from a country where history books are approved by the government's propaganda department.他说,抗议的学生来自一个历史教课书需要通过政府宣传部审查的国家。