




1.诺斯 Nanak Mansions 纳娜大厦 Nanos 纳能楼 Nassim Mansion 那森大厦 ...

4.毫微秒 nanometer 毫微米 nanos 毫微秒 nanoscope 毫微秒示波器 ...

5.诺思民调机构【多伦多在线】据世界日报讯,拿诺思民调机构Nanos)14日公布的一份调查显示,民众对联邦自由党领袖叶礼庭越来越苛 …

6.诺纳的蛋白质由小林悟教授领导的研究小组发现,在发生过程的初期,原始生殖细胞中一种叫做诺纳的蛋白质nanos)抑制了细胞死诱导蛋 …


1.Within a few years, Nanos could also be available in Europe and the U. S.几年内,NANO还将会进入欧洲和美国市场。

2.Object. wait(long timeout, int nanos) provides nanosecond granularity for a relative wait operation.wait(longtimeout,intnanos)为相关的等待操作提供纳秒粒度。

3.Tata Motors, however, aims to make 350, 000 Nanos a year from 2010 at another unit elsewhere in the country, a company statement said.尽管如此,但据该公司发言人声称,塔塔汽车公司计划从2010年起,使其位于该国另一处的工厂达到年产35万辆Nano车的目标。

4.Thus, Nanos is essential for both estabpshing and maintaining GSCs by preventing their precocious entry into oogenesis.因此,Nanos对于通过防止早熟进入卵子发生而建立和维持GSCs。

5.That he collaborated with filmmaker Chris Nanos adds yet another page-turning twist.他与导演克里斯的Nanos合作增加了另一个页面转向的转折。

6.In this science, it's all about tiny details (nanos is the Greek word for dwarf).在这门学科里,“小”就意味着一切(nanos这个词在希腊语中表示侏儒的意思)。

7.The ministry last week said Apple had reported 34 additional cases of overheating Nanos.经济产业省上周说,苹果已经又报告了34起Nano过热事件。

8.As a result, says Nik Nanos, a pollster, the New Democrats are now "bleeding" support to both theConservatives and the Liberals.因此,一个民调分析者NikNanos认为,新民主党现在是“大出血”的在支持保守党和自由党。

9.By the end of 2010 there could be as many as 300, 000 Tata Nanos on India's roads.到2010年底,将有多达300000台塔塔Nano穿行于印度的大街小巷。

10.But you can look at Snow Leopard and the iPod nanos of today and see what they once were.但是看到今天的SnowLeopard或者iPodnanos你可以看到之前他们什么样子。