


美式发音: [ˈnænsən] 英式发音: [ˈnænsn]




na.1.Nansen , Fridtjof 南森

1.南森 Nannette 南妮特 Nansen 男性 Naomi 内奥米 ...

4.内森Kulakov),挪威方面则将出动挪威海军第四艘“内森”(Nansen)级护卫舰海尔格•英斯塔(Helge Ingstad)号,参与海上演练。

5.南生南生Nansen)在北极探险时,漠视上帝;张伯伦(Dr. Jacob Chamber1ain)在印度遭遇患难时,呼求上帝,他们结果的不 …

6.护卫舰一、“南森”级护卫舰(Nansen) 挪威海军订购该级舰的初衷是承担领海巡逻,保卫专属经济区的任务,同时也是为了替换“奥斯陆” …

7.南泉[15] 南泉Nansen):即南泉普愿(748-853),唐朝禅门巨匠,他在南泉(今安徽贵池一带)创建了南泉禅院。[16] 云水(un…


1."You have made a good trip of it, " the man told Nansen, "and I am awfully glad to be the first person to congratulate you on your return. "“你们的旅程了不起,我很高兴能成为第一个祝贺你回来的人。”那人对南森说。

2.When Nansen and Johansen returned to Norway in the summer of 1896, they might as well have been returning from the dark side of the moon.当南森和约翰森于1896年夏天回到挪威的时候,他们简直就像从月球背面返航一样。

3.For Nansen was quite simply the father of modern polar exploration; all others were, in a very real sense, his acolytes.他的名字本该广为人知,因为他就是现代极地考察之父,而其他人,从现实意义上来说,只是他的追随者。

4.After the death of Eva, Nansen squired an impressive succession of international beauties while pursuing a career as a humanitarian.在妻子伊娃逝世后,南森一边致力于人道主义事业一边流连于各国佳丽身边。

5.At Oslo's Holmenkollen Ski Museum, Nansen is depicted as a twin-planked deity in furs, a founding father of Norway's national sport.在奥斯陆的霍尔门科伦滑雪博物馆里,南森作为这项挪威全国运动的创始之父,被描绘成了一个脚踏两块木板、身穿皮毛的神。

6.With a crew of 13 and provisions for five years, Nansen left Oslo in the summer of 1893, bound for the New Siberian Islands.带同十三名船员以及足以支撑五年的给养,南森离开奥斯陆出发前往新西伯利亚群岛。

7.The great polar explorer Fridtjof Nansen and others had learned how to dress and travel and eat from Norway's northern Sami people.伟大的探险家弗里德约夫·南森和其他探险家早已从挪威北部的萨米人那里学习了怎样穿着、旅行以及吃饭。

8.To keep the explorers warm, Nansen insulated his vessel with thick felt, reindeer hair, cork shavings, and tar.而为了让给船员们保暖,南森用厚厚的毛毯、驯鹿的皮毛、软木以及焦油把船体围起来;

9.Marx's "Apenation" Theory Should not be Categorically Denied-- To Discuss with Mr. Huang Nansen马克思“异化”理论不能被全盘否定--与黄楠森先生商榷

10.The new development of the Marxist route--Visiting professor Huang Nansen of Peiking University马克思主义思想路线的新发展--访北京大学哲学系黄楠森教授