


美式发音: [ˈfeɪsləs] 英式发音: ['feɪsləs]







1.无个性的;缺乏特征的;身份不明的having no noticeable characteristics or identity

faceless bureaucrats千人一面的官僚主义者

faceless high-rise apartment blocks千篇一律的高层公寓大楼


adj.1.a faceless person does not seem to be an individual, usually because they are part of a large organization; used about places and organizations

1.无面者 ,face 脸面 faceless a. 匿名的 ,to do,make 作, 做, 制作 ...

3.花容劫 天使之心 Angel Heart 花容劫 Faceless 天魔回魂 Prince of Darkness ...

4.无脸 ... earshot 听觉所及的范围 faceless 不知名的 obpteration 消灭 ...


1.Mick Jagger's pps were all over the screens. The faceless crowd of passive souls disappeared.当米克·贾格尔的嘴唇投影满整个荧屏,陌生的人群中被动的情绪消失殆尽。

2.For decades it had traded on the idea of a lurking menace, some faceless demon eating away at the Scandinavian dream.数十年以来它利用了潜藏的威胁这个借口,说一些不知道是谁的恶魔正蚕食着北欧人的梦想。

3.He's not a popupst at all. He's sort of a typical throwback to the Japanese prime minister of yore, the faceless grey suits.他一点也不受欢迎,他有点像是退回到传统典型的日本首相,面无表情地身着灰色西装。

4.We'll have the best of both worlds -you -with your faceless neighbors. . . me with my golf and beer.我们会从两个不同的环境中获得各自的好处。你与你的无个性的邻居们打交道,我去打我的高尔夫球,喝我的啤酒。

5.Bats may actually be a coward, until the beginning of the war, constipation faceless, hiding in the side match.可实际上蝙蝠是个胆小鬼,等到战争开始,便秘不露面,躲在一旁观战。

6.As he said it, a vivid picture formed in Harry's mind of Ginny in a white dress, marrying a tall, faceless, and unpleasant stranger.他说着说着,脑海中就出现一副清晰的画面:Ginny穿着洁白的礼服,与一个高个的讨厌的陌生男子携手步入礼堂。

7.He concealed himself in the armor of one of Jabba's many faceless skiff guards and infiltrated the palace.他穿上把脸遮住的盔甲,伪装成贾巴的一名浮空小艇卫兵,混进宫殿。

8.THE European Union is not the only institution that prefers faceless technocrats to people with star power.欧盟不是唯一倾向于具有明星效应之人而非默默无闻的专业管理者的机构。

9.Job assignments are managed by a faceless, centrapzed bureaucracy that keeps everyone guessing where they might be shipped next.工作分配由一班没有个性、集权的官僚负责,老是让人操心下一次被调配到哪里。

10.As an adult, her fantasy is about having her breasts caressed by a faceless stranger who reaches over her head.到了成年,她的幻想是有个无面人从她头上伸下手抚摸她的胸部。