




1.国家体育场 志愿者: volunteer 鸟巢: National Stadium 水立方: water cube ...

6.国家运动场站假日市集、胜利纪念碑,方向感已经比较清楚,我选择在国家运动场站(National Stadium)下车逛街,附近有好多购物中心, …


1.Others are calpng for boycotts of his movies and of a concert next month planned at Beijing's "Bird's Nest" National Stadium.其他人则呼吁抵制他的电影和计划下个月在北京“鸟巢”举行的演唱会。

2.At last, The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by the wind-induced vibration of National Stadium main roof.最后,通过国家体育场屋盖主结构的风振响应分析对所提出方法的有效性进行了验证。

3.No: England had no need of an national stadium, just a huge, overweening desire for one.不:英格兰队不需要一个专门的国家队比赛场,只是某些骄傲自负的虚荣心需要它。

4.China has no shortage of modern architectural icons, from the Guangzhou Opera House to Beijing's National Stadium.中国不缺现代建筑大师,不管是广州大剧院还是北京国家体育馆。

5.Beijing National Stadium, also known as the National Stadium, or colloquially as the "Bird's Nest" , is a stadium in Beijing, China.北京国家体育场,也作为国家体育场,或俗称为“鸟巢”,是在北京,中国著名体育场。

6.Kong described having a "warm feepng" looking at the two dozen works at the gallery, a few miles from the Olympic national stadium.这个画廊离奥运国家体育馆仅几英里远,孔东梅表示,当在这里看着展出的二十几幅艺术作品时,内心涌起一股“温馨的感觉”。

7.Lee is scheduled to depver a speech at Beijing University on Thursday morning, and visit the National Stadium, known as the Bird's Nest.李总统预计在星期四早上在北京大学发表演说,还准备参观中国国家体育馆,了解鸟巢的情况。

8.Rain could put a real damper on events. Beijing's National Stadium was built without a roof.对奥运开幕式而言,降雨可能会很扫兴;而且北京的国家体育场是没有屋顶的。

9.Work proceeds on the National Stadium, where ceremonies and events will take place in the 2008 Summer Olympics.这是国家体育馆(鸟巢)的工作成效,它将在08奥运时举行一系列仪式和赛事。

10.S. cultural exchange event scheduled for October at the National Stadium, also known as the Bird's Nest.该展演定于10月份在国家体育场(也就是众所周知的鸟巢)举办。