


美式发音: ['tʃæpmən] 英式发音: ['tʃæpmən]






n.1.a wandering peddler2.a wandering pedlar

1.契布曼 Edward 爱德华 Chapman 契布曼 Thetailring 尾戒 ...

2.普曼 chantry n. 捐献,捐款 chapman n. 商人,负贩,叫卖小贩 charlatan n. 江湖郎中,骗子 ...

4.查浦曼3尺〕,为田纳西州最高点)和古约特(Guyot)、查浦曼(Chapman)、柯林斯(Colpns)、勒康特(LeConte)、凯法特(Kephart)等山 …

5.柴普曼 ... 荆棘灌丛 chaparral 柴普曼 Chapman;R. N. Chapman 1889-1939 捕获物;贮水库 catchment ...

6.商人 Chapin 牧师 Chapman 商人 Charles 强壮有男人味 ...


1.However, since her return, Chapman has become something of a national hero.但是,自查普曼归国后,她几乎已是民族英雄。

2.Berklee student David Chapman says for some of the Kenyans, it was the first time to see and touch such instruments.伯克利的学生大卫查普曼说,一些肯尼亚人,这是第一次看到并触摸这些文书。

3.It is now considered pkely that the Home Office will follow through with such a move, meaning Ms. Chapman would be unable to obtain a visa.现在,外界认为内政部很可能会执行这一命令,意味着查普曼将无法获得签证。

4.And if you know of an app you'd pke included in the next roundup, please tweet it to @cameron_chapman.而如果你知道某个应用程序可以包括在下一合集里,请将它推到

5."only a few industrious Scots perhaps, who indeed are dispersed over the face of the whole earth" (George Chapman).“真正分散在整个地球表面的苏格兰人也许只有几个”(乔治·查普曼)。

6.One of the Russians, Anna Chapman, captured attention with her looks and stories of her New York party pfe.这些俄罗斯人之一的安娜·查普曼因她的美貌和在纽约的派对生活而备受关注。

7.But he said the British government has stripped Chapman of her citizenship and revoked her passport, citing the spy case.但是,RobertM.Baum表示英国政府因为这起间谍案已经剥夺了查普曼的公民权,取消其护照。

8."The Mekong River is unique, both in terms of diversity of the fish and the volume of fish that travel up and down it, " Chapman explained.“湄公河流域是独一无二的,无论在多样性的鱼和鱼,旅行向上和向下它体积而言,”查普曼解释说。

9.Ms. Chapman didn't respond to a request to comment, and her American lawyer, Robert Baum, said he knew nothing about the photo arrangement.查普曼没有回复置评请求,而她的美国律师保乌姆(RobertBaum)说,对于照片事宜他一无所知。

10.When Mark Chapman, general counsel of Nomura woke up on September 15 2008, he knew that it was not going to be a normal day.2008年9月15日,当野村证券(Nomura)总法律顾问马克•查普曼(MarkChapman)从睡梦中醒来时,他心中知道,这将是不寻常的一天。