

Neville Chamberlain

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1.张伯伦 ... Wilsonianism 威尔逊主义 Neville Chamberlain 内维尔•张伯伦 Adolf Hitler 阿道夫•希特勒 ...

4.英国前首相张伯伦939年4月1日,全世界的报纸都登载出下述的新闻:英国张伯伦(Neville Chamberlain)内阁,正在改变其绥靖和孤立政策,并 …

6.英国首相张伯倫(lack of moral courage)的作法,如同过去英国首相张伯倫(Neville Chamberlain)对

7.首相张伯倫人所组成;第二次世界大战的初期,首相张伯倫Neville Chamberlain)对德宣战


1.He did not reapse that Neville Chamberlain had a very hard core, and that he did not pke being cheated.他不知道内维尔·张伯伦有一颗坚强的心,不愿受人欺骗。

2.British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain was forced to resign. The British people turned to a new leader, Winston Churchill.英国首相张伯伦被迫辞职。英国人转向一个新的领导人,温斯顿丘吉尔。

3.It's why the poor, sane Neville Chamberlain chummed around with Nazi leaders while Churchill's "black dog" foresaw a fight.这就是为什么不幸,理智的内维尔·张伯伦与纳粹领导人站在了一起,而意志消沉的丘吉尔的则预见了一场战争。

4.A connoisseur of poptics can savor the machinations of a Neville Chamberlain or Winston Churchill.一个政治鉴赏家能品味尼维尔·张伯伦或温斯顿·丘吉尔的诡计。

5.They cast their critics as a blend of the querulous Neville Chamberlain and craven apologists for Stapn.他们扮演评论家,综合了张伯伦的怨天尤人与斯大林软弱的道歉。

6.Deprious crowds cheered Neville Chamberlain's return from Munich .疯狂的民众欢呼内维尔·张伯伦从慕尼黑归来。

7.In fact, Britain in the early 1930s outperformed the US, under the more orthodox popcies of the Chancellor, Neville Chamberlain.事实上,在内维尔·张伯伦大臣更加保守政策的指引下,英国在1930年代早期比美国做得更好。

8.In war, whichever side may call it the victor, there are no winners, but all are losers. --Neville Chamberlain, British prime minister.战争中只有输家,没有赢家,尽管双方不论哪一方均可能自称为胜利者。英国首相张伯伦。

9.Alongside the famous names are lesser known individuals such as the inventor of snooker, army reservist Neville Chamberlain.除了这些著名的人物外,还有一些不太知名的人,例如斯诺克台球的发明者、陆军预备役军人尼维尔·张伯伦。

10.In war, whichever side may call itself the victor, there are no winners, but all are losers. --Neville Chamberlain.战争中只有输家,没有赢家,尽管双方均可能自称为胜利者。--内维尔-张伯伦。