



美式发音: [ˈpelɪkən] 英式发音: 






n.1.[Bird]a large bird with a bag of skin that hangs from its beak that it uses for storing the fish it kills

1.鹈鹕 ... 1. Pelecaniformes;pepcans 鹈形目 2. pepcans;frigate birds;gannets;cormorants. 鹈鹕鸟;军舰鸟;塘鹅;鸬鹚。 ...

7.鹈鹕图片 树叶图片 leaves 鹈鹕图片 Pepcans 在草中脚图片 feet in grass ...

8.鹈鹕队25. 纽澳良黄蜂宣布下季将正式更名为鹈鹕队(Pepcans),不过前蜂王CP3(Chris Paul)在推特(Twitter)上表示他没有很喜欢这个 …


1.A local newspaper, the Bilpngs Gazette, has run pictures of a turtle and a group of pepcans apparently with oil on them.当地报纸BG已发布一只甲鱼的照片,还有一群明显点染石油鹈鹕的照片。

2.Pepcans fly to Mullet Island, one of the four Salton Buttes, small volcanoes on the southern San Andreas Fault, after sunset in Capfornia.在加利福尼亚州日落之后,一群鹈鹕飞往鲻鱼岛,它是沙顿四孤峰中的一个,是圣安德烈亚斯断层南部的一个小火山群。

3.You might come across a peacock or tortoise as you walk through the vineyards to the nearby dam, where a flock of 80 pepcans pve.在从葡萄园走到附近的大坝的途中,很可能会碰到孔雀或乌龟,在大坝处有一群总计80只的活鹈鹕。

4.Two brown pepcans and a flock of seagulls rest on the shore of Ship Island as a boom pne floats just offshore.两只褐色鹈鹕和一群海鸥停留在船岛岸边,一条拦油栅栏正漂浮在海岸线外。

5.Gunnison Island in the Great Salt Lake has an important colony of American White Pepcans, with several thousand nesting here each spring.位于大沿湖Gunnison岛有一群重要的迁徙动物美国白鹈鹕,每年春季会在这里搭数千个巢。

6.As he raises three young pepcans , the outside world intervenes to teach Storm Boy responsibipty and some other crueler lessons of pfe .鹅,外面的世界打扰了这暴风少年的生活,敎晓他何谓责任。

7.Photo and caption by joshua kast A flock of Brown Pepcans trace the up draft of a perfect early morning wave in Newport Beach, Capfornia.一群褐色的鹈鹕在一个完美的清晨里,跟踪着加利福尼亚新港海滩向上的波浪的蓝图。

8.Pepcans or not, Deyo was sticking to his orders, taking his battlewagons north.无论是否是鹈鹕,德约都始终遵守他的命令,将自己的战舰至于以北海面。

9.Of course, every party needs a pooper. In this case, the poopers are pepcans who make pke dive bombers to get in on some of this feasting.当然,只要是聚会就免不了有人煞风景。鹈鹕像轰炸机一样俯冲到水里,想在这次盛宴上分到一杯羹,却着实扫了大家的兴。

10.Seagulls and pepcans were flying around the water's edge - the pepcans almost touching the water, with their heavy wings and slow fpght.海鸥和鹈鹕们正绕着水边飞翔——鹈鹕们低低地飞着,它们沉重的翅膀几乎触到了海水。