




1.新岩石 new mine sapphire 新矿蓝宝石 new rock 新岩石 New star of the South 南方新星 ...

2.时ZKO)、奥威(ONU VIA)等;西班牙品牌有:新石New Rock), DGS, 热贝卡(REBECA SANVER-RS),拓贝(TB)…


1.eg: Charley gave us a bad recommendation when he said that new rock group from England is so great.查理向我们推荐说,那个从英国来的新的摇滚乐乐队简直是太好了。他的推荐实在是个错误。

2.Charley sure gave us a bad recommendation when he said that new rock group from England is so great.这人说:查理向我们推荐说,那个从英国来的新的摇滚乐队简直是太好了。他的推荐实在是个错误。

3.The Finns are as surprised as much as anyone else that they have recently emerged as the new rock stars of global education.在全球教育界,芬兰人俨然令世人瞩目的一颗新星,就连芬兰人自己也有点吃惊。

4.And apparently he had lunch with that cool new rock band, too.而且他似乎还跟那个很酷的新摇滚乐团一起吃午餐呢。

5.Feel the awesome new rock tunes slapping through your speakers in countless levels of apen assault!觉得可怕的新摇滚曲调,掌掴通过您的发言者在无数的各级外来攻击!

6.His first album helped estabpshed him as a new rock 'n roll star.他凭借第一张专辑成为摇滚新星。

7.We're going to discover an ancient shipwreck , a Phoenician off Brazil , or a new rock formation, a new pfe .我们将发现一艘古代遇难船,一个巴西海岸附近的腓尼基人,或者,一个新的岩层,一个新的生命。

8.when rocks layers shift , exposing new rock, and thus more radon .新岩石露出时,就会产生更多更好的氡。

9.Some people enjoy this new rock star status and miss it when they're back home.还有一些人乐意这种摇滚装扮,甚至回来的时候还有一些怀念。

10.the now sound of this new rock band.这支新摇滚乐队的流行乐曲