

sea floor

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1.海底 海堤〖 seawall〗 海底seafloor〗 海地〖 Haiti〗 ...

2.海床  二、本法所称海床seafloor),系指海底,其地形与陆面相同,亦有山脉、台地、溪谷、大山等,惟在未达水深二百公尺之先…


1."Personally, I would have preferred to leave the bodies of our loved ones on the seafloor, " he added, repeating his long-held view.“就我个人而言而言,我更愿意将我们所爱的人的遗体留在海底。”他补充道,重申他一直以来的观点。

2.A. Finding samples left on the seafloor is all about documentation, documentation, documentation.找回海底的样品靠的是文件记录,文件记录,还是文件记录。

3.With oil settpng into the sediment deep on the seafloor, it's difficult to see at this point exactly how they are going to pull that off.但是随着漏油沉降到深海海底,目前来看很难知道他们将如何完成那一目标。

4.The submarine Alvin has already been launched and is making the hour-and-a-half-long descent to the seafloor thousands of feet below.阿尔文号潜艇(Alvin)已经就位,开始向数千英尺的海底下潜,此次下潜将会进行一个半小时。

5.The company remains committed to its objective of developing the world's first seafloor massive sulphide recovery operation.该公司仍致力于成为全球第一个开采海底块状硫化物矿床的公司。

6.The crew attaches new lengths of pipe one by one from the top until the "drill string" is long enough to hit the seafloor.船员们从这根钢管的顶部,一根一根地装上更多管道,直到这根“钻柱”足够长,能碰到海底。

7.However, by means of tsunami inverse method, the vertical seafloor displacement can be calculated imppcitly.然而透过海啸源逆推之方法,可间接计算海床之位移量。

8.Now it is one of a host of countries eagerly laying claim to swathes of the seafloor that may one day yield huge riches.现在在那些急着发表声明抓紧那些有朝一日可能带来财富的海底大陆的国家中,俄国就是其中之一。

9.The country hopes to turn the seafloor deposits of methane hydrates into a commercial source of natural gas.这个国家希望把海底库存的甲烷水合物转变成一种天然气商业资源。

10.Marine invertebrates, sea urchins use their spines to move along the seafloor, and crabs are known to be their natural predators.海洋无脊椎动物,海胆利用其刺沿着海底,和螃蟹被称为是他们的天敌。