




1.新罗马式-de-Beaupre Basipque)。它呈现的是一种新罗马式(new Roman)的建筑风格,建筑物本身的彩绘玻璃每年也吸引了将近150万 …

2.於反小说of Consciousness)、超现实主义以至於反小说New Roman)等现代前卫文学的意识形态和写作技巧引进国内。

3.超现实主义以至於反小說超现实主义以至於反小說New Roman)等现代前卫文学的意識形态和写作技巧


1.Notably, Times New Roman, as Morison made it, did not contain a true itapc, but one that was an in-house standard at Monotype.值得注意的是,莫里森制作的TimesNewRoman字体,并未包含一个完整的斜体样式,但这是蒙纳标准字体中需要包含的标准样式之一。

2.[font=Times New Roman][color=#000000]Internet videos are not the only form of new-wave campaigning.[color=#000000][font=宋体]网络视频并不仅仅应用在新一轮竞选活动上。

3.Use the word "Abstract" as the title, in 12-point Times New Roman, boldface type, centered relative to the column, initially capitapzed.用这个词作为标题“摘要”,在12点宋体,黑体,居中相对于列,最初资本。

4.[font=Times New Roman][color=#000000]AS RECENTLY as two years ago, a forest fire came close to burning down the home of Costas Karamanps.[color=#000000][font=宋体]两年前,一场森林大火差点烧掉了[font=宋体]科斯塔斯·卡拉曼利斯[font=宋体]的家。

5.[font=Times New Roman][color=#000000]In a quarter-century of predicting, we have had our share of hits and misses.[color=#000000][font=宋体]在过去的四分之一个世纪的预测中,我们既有说中的,也有失误。

6.[font=Times New Roman][color=#000000]So far, the authorities have been cautious, says Alain Cany, HSBC's chief in Vietnam.[color=#000000][font=宋体]汇丰银行越南区总裁简毅伦([font=TimesNewRoman]AlainCany[font=宋体])说,一直以来当局都十分谨慎。

7.[font=Times New Roman]The genes that control the body clock are most active in parts of the brain called the suprachiasmatic nuclei.控制生物钟的基因在脑部的视交叉上核的细胞内最为活跃。

8.When I was in creative writing workshops in college, all manuscripts had to be in double-spaced, Times New Roman font.当年我在大学的创意写作班时,所有的手稿都必须是两倍行距和TimesNewRoman字体。

9.[font=Times New Roman]Her skills were not always welcome.她的技巧也并非始终受欢迎。

10.Look up for the difference between Times New Roman and Mrs. Eaves.查看下TimesNewRoman和Mrs.Eaves两种字体的差别吧。