


美式发音: [ˈpɪnˌwil, ˈpɪnˌwil] 英式发音: [ˈpɪnwiːl]






1.玩具风车a toy with curved plastic parts that form the shape of a flower which turns round on the end of a stick when you blow on it


n.1.a childs toy consisting of a wooden stick with a plastic part in the shape of a flower at one end that spins when you blow it

1.纸风车 10 Crystal 水晶石 11 Pinwheel 纸风车 12 Tides of Time 时间之潮 ...

2.旋转风车 pinning 定位 pinwheel 旋转风车 pips 模糊 ...

3.纸风车过渡 ... -Paint Splatter( 油漆飞溅过渡) -Pinwheel( 纸风车过渡) -Radial Wipe( 光线扫除过渡) ...

4.风车转 ) bunt n. 抵,撞 ) pinwheel n. 风车转 ) snap roll (一种特技飞行)快滚 ...

5.轮转烟火 stop-action freeze 静止动作 pinwheel 轮转烟火 interfere with 抵触,冲突 ...

6.风车转换 Paint Splatter 颜料滴溅 Pinwheel 风车转换 Radial Wipe 射线擦除 ...

7.轮转风车 Paint Splatter( 喷涂)转场所产生的效果。 Pinwheel轮转风车)转场所产生的效果。 ...


1.The power mechanism, which is fixed above the base of the body, consists of a stepping motor and a cycloid pinwheel reducer.动力机构由步进电机及摆线针轮减速器构成并固定在机体底座上方;

2.The exploding white dwarf star is currently brightening in the Pinwheel Galaxy, nestled, from our perspective, within the Big Dipper.目前,因为白矮星正在爆炸,整个风车星系都被照亮,但在我们看来,白矮星只是北斗七星间若隐若现的小星星罢了。

3.With the axis properly apgned, the tug would push the spinning asteroid along its orbit pke a pinwheel.旋转轴调整适当后,拖曳船就能将旋转著的小行星像个串齿轮一样沿著其轨道推动。

4.These towers, or "blades, " pinwheel about a triangular central shaft that holds elevators and mechanical equipment.这些塔,或者说是“刀锋”的中心有一个三角形的中心轴,里面安装着电梯和机械设备。

5.Among the Pinwheel Galaxy's companions, this galaxy is the closest to the Pinwheel Galaxy itself [2].在风车星系的伴星系中,他是最接近风车星系本身的一个[2]。

6.A pinwheel-pke pattern of high pressure clouds stretches across the eastern United States on 23 September 2010.20109月,高压云层于23号延伸到了美国东部。看图,这云层像不像个火车头?

7.A rough approximation would be the dual spirals in pinwheel.大致近似于纸风车上的双重螺旋线。

8.The hapless, mangled galaxy may have once looked more pke our Milky Way, a pinwheel-shaped galaxy.这个不走运被撕扯的小星系可能曾经就像我们的银河系,形似风车。

9.Nicknamed the Southern Pinwheel, M83 is undergoing more rapid star formationthan our own Milky Way galaxy, especially in its nucleus.M83的绰号是南方烽火轮,它正经历着比我们银河系快的多得造星运动,特别是在它的核心。

10.Okay, so this next one is from the webcam, and it's going to be this pinwheel display. And this is a burglar alarm.好了,这接下来视频是它是旋转型的展示台,这是个防盗报警器。