


美式发音: [ˈlæŋkəˌʃɪər] 英式发音: [ˈlæŋkəʃiə]





un.1.coastal county in northwestern England.

1.兰开夏郡以英格兰兰开夏郡Lancashire)命名以英格兰林肯郡(Lincolnshire)命名 以苏格兰慕礼郡(Morayshire)命名 以英格兰诺福 …

2.英国兰开夏郡在英国兰开夏郡(Lancashire)罗奇代尔市(Rochdale)一座巨穴般的工厂里,一群工人正在对一批高科技机床进行最后加工,这些 …

3.兰卡郡兰卡郡Lancashire)、苏格兰西南部和约克郡的部分地区均有震感。Facebook Twitter

4.兰开郡位於兰开郡Lancashire)的国际特赦组织搜集到120个以上的签名。这个团体的代表在她的信中说:「在我们地方节庆中,我 …

5.英国兰开郡他在英国兰开郡(Lancashire)的波顿(Bolton)成长并就读於波顿(Bolton)学校,与曾获二届奥斯卡提名的舞台剧演员Ian McKellen( …


1.Mr Murray said the two uniformed officers from Lancashire Constabulary arrived at lunchtime on Monday, the cafe's busiest time of day.墨非先生说星期一中午,在一天中最忙碌的时刻从兰开普郡警察署来了两位穿制服的人。

2.Many have argued that, within a currency union, current account deficits do not matter any more than between Yorkshire and Lancashire.许多人曾主张,在一个货币联盟内部,国家间的经常账户赤字并不比约克郡和兰开夏郡间的赤字更重要。

3.Cheddar, Cheshire , and Lancashire cheeses are all pleasing to the palate, and cream cheeses are to be had in various parts of the country.切达,柴郡和兰开夏奶酪都是清香爽口的,并且奶油干酪遍布英国各地。

4.As he accepts the ceremonial neckerchief from a shy girl scout from Lancashire, he is as straight-backed as any of the teenagers on parade.当他从一个害羞的兰开夏女童子军那里接受仪式领巾的时候,站得如同队伍中的任何一个年轻人一样笔直。

5.Terry Durney, 54, from Leyland, Lancashire, was one of several people who adopted phrases from the workplace.54岁的泰瑞·德尼来自兰开夏郡的雷兰德,他是那些会从工作场所采纳习语的人之一。

6.Kick-off the Lancashire FA HQ is at 7pm and McMahon's side go into this game on an unbeaten run which stretches to 10 games.兰开夏超级杯将会在晚上7点钟开球,赛前麦克马洪的球队已经把不败战绩扩大到10场。

7.One of the best pubpcised event takes place at Avenham Park in Preston, Lancashire.这是兰开夏郡普雷斯顿市埃文翰姆公园进行的最引人注目的活动之一。

8.The location information in Google Maps (and that fake village in Lancashire a few miles from where I grew up)?谷歌地图上的位置信息(以及兰开夏郡离我长大的地方几英里外的那个捏造的小镇)?

9.In Lancashire , no person is permitted after being asked to stop by a constable on the seashore to incite a dog to bark.在英国兰开夏郡的海边,经警察劝阻后,任何人不得引起宠物狗叫。

10.A recent British study suggested that 50 tiny quakes in Lancashire were the result of cracking nearby.最近英国的一项研究认为兰开夏50场轻微地震是由附近的压裂而引起的。