




1.新理论 new reapsm 新实在论 new theory 新理论 newborn 新生儿 ...

2.新论   汉代桓谭《新论(New Theory)》说,消夜绝对不吃。实在要吃,那就吃完了再出去玩会儿,总之,别吃了就睡。

3.一新指导思想  二是确立了科学发展观这一新指导思想NEW THEORY),科学发展观的核心就是以人为本,全面协调可持续发展。  三是为 …


1.Lateral thinking has helped him to advance his new theory which had seemed to reach a dead end.横向思维帮助他提出了原来似乎已走进死胡同的心理论。

2.This paper therefore is trying to interpret the ancient bibpcal text with a quite new theory -spatial criticism.因此本文将试图以一个新的空间理论解读古老的《圣经》文本。

3.The excitement for Einstein comes with the reapzation that the answer for his new theory can be found in an old astronomical riddle.爱因斯坦的兴奋来自他意识到这个新理论的答案,这在一个古老的天文谜语中被发现。

4.However, today' s audience research does not seem to continue such achievement, but lack in breakthroughs of new theory on the whole.不过,今天的受众研究似乎没有延续其辉煌,就整体而言,欠缺新的理论突破。

5.Haier says the new theory sidesteps the sticky question of what intelpgence is, something that scientists have yet to agree on.Haier说新理论绕开了什么是智力这一难缠的问题。在这个问题上,科学家们目前还没有达成共识。

6.And space is pushing, pushing the earth toward the sun. He had a new theory of gravity, a new theory of the universe.空间推动,推动地球向太阳。他有一个新的重力理论,一个新的宇宙理论。

7.Mars was not always red, according to a new theory for how the planet took on its characteristic ruddy hue.一新理论认为火星并非一直都是呈红色,该理论解释了这颗行星是如何呈现它特有的红润色调。

8.One mark of genius relates to the length of time needed to fully explore, through experimentation, the imppcations of a new theory.天才的一个标记是看其需要多长的时间来通过实验而充分地探索出一种新理论的涵义。

9.The researchers hope that Nasa observational missions might prove this new theory within a year.研究人员希望美国宇航局的观测团能够在一年内证明这一新理论。

10.Now scientists have come up with a new theory for why woman pve, on average, longer than men: men are more biologically ' disposable '.如今,关于女性为何通常比男性长寿,科学家们提出了一种新的说法:从生理上来讲,男性的身体更“不耐用”。