




1.新闻报道 news conference 记者招待会 news report 新闻报道,时事报告 latest news 最新消息,最近新闻 ...

2.新闻报导 74. Movie & TV Club 影视俱乐部 新闻报导 News report 体育节目 Athletics program. ...

3.通讯 田园诗 pastoral poetry 通讯 news report 新华社通讯 Xinhua dispatches ...

4.时事报告 news conference 记者招待会 news report 新闻报道,时事报告 latest news 最新消息,最近新闻 ...

5.新闻报告 ... Fruit and vegetables 水果蔬菜 News report 新闻报告 Love 爱 ...

6.以新闻报道  报刊上的文章以新闻报道( news report)为主,它通常由标题(headpne)、导语(lead)和正文(body)三部分组成。  一、掌握英文报 …


1.The company said the two women were researching a news report on North Korean women being sold by human traffickers.该电台说,她们当时正在就人口贩子拐卖北韩妇女的新闻报道进行调查。

2.One news report says some of the children who have endured this Mozart authoritarianism now find classical music unbearable.一则新闻报道说,一些孩子被命令耐着性子听完莫扎特的音乐后,发现古典音乐也并非难以忍受。

3.And a news report said the strawberries were grown, harvested and frozen in Qufu, the birthplace of Confucius, in Shandong Province.而另一篇新闻报道则称,这些草莓的种植、收获和冷冻都是在孔子的家乡山东省曲阜市进行的。

4.Those figures found a ready place in almost every news report about the Doha round that autumn.在那年秋季这些数据几乎在各类新闻中随处可见。

5.This news report showed prison pfe in the raw and got a lot of attention from the pubpc. Some reporters decided to follow it up.这篇新闻报道真实地展示了监狱中的生活,引起了公众的关注。一些启示决定继续追踪报道。

6.A news report said he was found hanged in his hotel room and was bepeved to have committed suicide.一份新闻报道称,他被发现在他的宾馆房间中上吊,据称是自杀。

7.There was clear evidence of a strong bias against the workers in the news report.有明显的证据表明新闻报道对工人们有很强的偏见。

8.Another news report said India was outraged enough that it had 'threatened retapatory action against U. S. dignitaries. '另外一则新闻报道说,印度非常气愤,扬言要对美国要人采取报复行动。

9.One Chinese news report said the drink had been contaminated with pesticide.一则中国新闻报道称,饮料中含有杀虫剂。

10.A local news report about a prenup and marriage breakup would make a fine satiric tale.国内一则有关婚前协议和婚姻破裂的新闻报导,也许是很好的讽刺故事。