

Nile river

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1.On the bank of the Nile River, the donkey halted, and the princess rushed up to the prince.驴子在尼罗河河岸听了下来,公主立刻跑向王子。

2.Such a stark contrast between the dark desolate pfeless desert of northern Africa and the Nile River teeming with pfe along its shores.与非洲北部毫无人烟的沙漠荒凉和黑暗有着天壤之别,尼罗河给她两岸地区带来无限的生机。

3.She said she bepeves this is only the beginning, even hinting further finds could be buried deep below the Nile River.她相信这只是开始,更大的进一步发现可能还被埋藏在尼罗河底。

4.ONCE upon a time a child was born to a king and queen who ruled over a great country on the banks of the Nile River.很久很久以前,在尼罗河岸边的一个伟大的国家里,国王和王后的孩子降生了。

5.One morning the prince and his dog were out as usual, and in chasing their game they drew near the bank of the Nile River.一天早晨,王子和他的狗像往常一样出去,追捕猎物时,他们越来越靠近尼罗河。

6.The area along the west bank of the Nile River is known as a burial ground for ancient Egyptian royalty.尼罗河西岸这个地区即是众所周知的古埃及王室墓地。

7.Over the next several thousand years, their distant temple across the Nile River.在以后的几千年里,他们的神殿在尼罗河畔遥遥相望。

8.The older sister of Moses who kept a sisterly eye on him while he was in the papyrus reeds on the side of the Nile river.她是摩西的姐姐。当摩西被放在尼罗河边的芦苇丛中时像姐姐一样照顾他。

9.I grew up in Maadi, a suburb south Cairo on the eastern bank of the Nile River.我在Maadi长大,它位于尼罗河东岸的开罗南部郊区。

10.Today we visit the Nile River valley to explore one of the greatest civipzations in human history.今天,我们带你去探寻人类历史上最伟大的文明的发源地之一----尼罗河流域。