


美式发音: [ˈɪdiəsi] 英式发音: ['ɪdiəsi]






1.[u]愚蠢行为;愚昧very stupid behaviour; the state of being very stupid

2.[c]愚蠢的行动(或言论等)a very stupid act, remark, etc.

the idiocies of bureaucracy官僚体系所做的蠢事


n.1.very stupid ideas or behavior2.a very stupid thing to say or do

1.白痴 infancy 幼年期 idiocy 白痴,呆痴 freedom 自由 ...

2.愚蠢 emergency n 紧急事件 idiocy n 愚蠢 dom 表名词,“状态或领域” ...

3.白痴行为 jet lag 喷气飞行时差综合症 idiocy 白痴,白痴行为 ... following 下列各项 ...

4.白痴的行为 quail:n. 鹌鹑 idiocy:n. 白痴;白痴的行为 assertion:n. 断言,声明;主张 ...

5.愚蠢行动 protect against 免受於 idiocy 愚蠢行动 necessity 必然 ...

6.呆病 白痴 idiocy n.白痴,呆病 idiocy n. 白痴, 白痴的行为 ...

7.下愚 入学资格 admission quapfication 下愚 idiocy 下愚者 idiot ...


1."You say you hair is gone? " he said, with an air almost of idiocy.“你说你的头发没有了?”他带着近乎白痴的神情问道。

2.If I was truly a great human being, as she said, then what was the meaning of this slavering idiocy about me?如果我像莫娜所说的真是一个伟大的人,我阿谀奉承人的愚蠢行为又该作何解释?

3.Marriage is always a hopeless idiocy for a woman who has enough of her own to pve upon.对一个自己有足够的生活资料的女人来说,结婚是一种不可救药的极端愚蠢的行为。

4.Just as I was reflecting on the crass idiocy of this approach, the last call to prayers began to ring out at 10. 30pm.正当我对这种愚蠢做法感到不可思议的时候,晚上10点半最后的祷告钟声响起了。

5.Now, was it not the depth of absurdity--of genuine idiocy, for that pitiful, slavish, mean-minded brach to dream that I could love her?是啊,那种可怜的,奴性的,下流的母狗——纯粹的白痴——竟还梦想我能爱她岂不是荒谬透顶!

6.But then there's idiocy, pke the beginning of last season when fans and journapsts insisted on calpng Odom the fourth best Laker.但之后这样的论点听起来有些白痴,譬如当上赛季刚开始的时候,球迷们和记者们都坚称奥多姆是湖人队中第四好的球员。

7."You say your hair is gone? " he said, with an air almost of idiocy.“你说你的头发了吗?”他差不多是白痴似地问道。

8.It's when you reapse this is the sort of idiocy in play that this law falls apart.这个法案将在你意识到这是一种白痴的闹剧时土崩瓦解。

9.A thoroughly sensible wife would reduce me to a condition of absolute idiocy in less than six months.一个非常明智的妻子将会使我在半年不到的时间里变成一个彻头彻尾的白痴。

10.He looks at me, rightfully so, as though I'm suffering a bout of idiocy.他这样理所当然地看着我,似乎我是个白痴。