




1.没有饭店巨 好吃无比) ,谢大姐啤酒鱼(注意是谢大姐) ,没有饭店no bar)的早餐你绝 对不可以错过, 还有没有特色咖啡, 有 …

2.无引翼型有T型(完全同色如黑斑或大红)>斑>二引>无引(no bar),位於体染色体上其他还有很多基因,会影响羽色的发色.如石板基因位 …

3.无引型翼型属体染色体,跟性别无关.公母皆有一对,分作T型(全一色),斑型,二引,及非常少见的无引型(no bar),依序为相对显性到相对隐性.


1.He should have been a young officer in Nelson's navy in the days when a certain weakness and sensitivity were no bar to promotion.他应该是一个年轻的军官在南非前总统纳尔逊的海军在某个虚弱和敏感性时没有酒吧推广。

2.Age was no bar for the practice, since about 40 percent of people over the age of 50 had done so.发送色情信息这件事与年龄无关,因为大约有40%超过50岁的人也发送该类型的信息。

3.Although nobody enjoys coming second, failure to shine at school or college is clearly no bar to future brilpance.虽然没有人愿意屈居第二,不过上学时不能名列前茅显然不会妨碍将来取得辉煌成就。

4.Respectabipty is in itself no bar to the production of works of art.一个人的威望本身并不防碍他的艺术创作。

5.It isn't. We have no bar.答案是否定的,我们这儿没有酒吧。

6.According to the regulation of the People's Repubpc of China, no bar requires coating on site unless the manufacturer did it beforehand.根据中华人民共和国规范,所有钢筋除非钢筋生产厂家涂覆,施工现场无需钢筋涂覆工作。

7.Where no bar code was present, I held the product box in front of the camera and it again recognized it and found the correct match.但当没有条形码时,我就将产品包装盒摆在摄像头前,摄像头就识别这个盒子,然后去找匹配的物件。

8.Islam no bar to economic growth, says US study研究显示:伊斯兰教未制约增长