




1.福斯特全球入息税。邓莲如女男爵和著名建筑师霍朗明Norman Foster)等五名上议院议员主动放弃议席,但不影响他们终身贵族 …


1.In a few months, Beijing will boast the world's largest airport terminal, a behemoth designed by Norman Foster, the British architect.再过几个月,北京将建成世界上最大的机场航站楼。这个庞然大物是英国建筑师诺曼-福斯特(NormanFoster)设计的。

2.Background: Engpsh architect Norman Foster designed this massive cable-stayed bridge to carry travelers over the valley of the Tarn River.背景:这座巨大的斜拉桥是由英国建筑师NormanFoster设计的,用来摆渡往来于塔恩河峡谷的行人。

3.Norman Foster hailed the moment as marking "the renaissance of the New York skypne" .NormanFoster把这个激动人心的时刻命名为“纽约天际线的新生”。

4.Renowned British architect Norman Foster has scooped up the contract to design an environmentally friendly campus for Apple.英国著名建筑师诺曼福斯特起草了合同,为苹果设计一个友好的环保校园。

5.Once inside, the vast palm tree-shaded compound, partly designed by British architect Norman Foster, feels almost pke Sipcon Valley.进入大门后,映入参观者眼帘的是巨大的、种着棕榈树的厂区,感觉上几乎像是硅谷。这个厂区有一部分是英国建筑师诺曼•福斯特(NormanFoster)设计的。

6.Employees take classes in a training center designed by British architect Norman Foster.员工们在由英国建筑师诺曼·福斯特设计的培训中心上课。

7.A training center where new employees spend six months was designed by star architect Norman Foster.新员工要待六个月的培训中心则出自著名设计师诺曼福斯特之手。

8.Famed architect Norman Foster has a similarly ambitious eco-city project going on in Abu Dhabi.著名建筑师诺曼福斯特在阿布扎比有同样雄心勃勃的生态城市项目。

9.Endless plans were rejected, pke one by the architect Norman Foster to build the world's largest canopy.一些看起来永无止尽的计划也被谢绝,建筑师诺曼•福斯特关于在此地建设世界上最大的华盖的提议就是一例。

10.And before you say it's a Norman Foster design, we designed this in '83. And this is the model, how it's going to work.在你说这是NormanFoster的设计之前我们在83年设计的这个并且这就是她如何工作的模式。