




1.三只猫 ... I don't know him. 我不认识他。 1.three cats 三只猫 2.lots of seats 很多座位 ...

2.三个猫 (多)猫 许多 猫 Cats;many cats 三个猫 Three cats (一)猫 三 (第三个猫) The third cat ...

3.三只猫儿 画 名 : 马厩 Stables 画 名 : 三只猫儿 Three Cats 画 名 : 老虎 Der Tiger ...

4.图样长版连帽T ENTHYUS (耀眼黑) three cats 图样长版连帽T (紫) Monkey Boots II 休闲工作靴(咖) ...

5.只猫美味关系 ... ~Mommy Khoo's Kitchen Diary ~ 邱妈咪的厨房记事本 三只猫美味关系 Three Cats 小地方的大小事 Malacca hap…

6.邝炜利 ... 野趣 – 邝炜利 Companion – Willy,Kwong 猫趣 – 邝炜利 Three Cats – Willy,Kwong ...



1.The couple's three cats have been farmed out to friends and neighbors, but Strong's dog, Pepper, is still with her.这对伴侣的三只宠物猫已经送给了朋友和邻居。但是沙琳的那只名叫Peper的宠物狗仍然陪伴着她。

2.Mike had already been saddled1 with my dog and three cats, and he wasn't used to a houseful of pets.迈克已经容忍了我的狗和3只猫,而他是不习惯满屋子宠物的。

3.had begun feeding leftovers from family meals to her three cats - Rory, Ozzy and Mudpie - before recently deciding to give them up.在决定放弃饲养三只猫咪—罗里、奥兹和泥球之前,她已经开始用全家人的残羹剩饭喂养它们了。

4.They have quite a menagerie: two dogs, a poodle and a mongrel, three cats and horses.她们家简直是个小型动物园:两只狗狗,即一卷毛小狗和一个混种狗,三只猫,还有马。

5.They have two dogs to look after, not to mention three cats and a bird.他们要照看两只狗,还要加上三只猫和一只鸟。

6.The house is alsohome to a family friend, two dogs, three cats, and a rotating cast of houseguests.这所宅子里还住着一位家里的朋友,两条狗,三只猫,还有来来去去的客人。

7.She loves looking after animals --- she has two dogs, three cats and a goat.她最喜欢照顾动物---她有两个狗,三只猫和一只山羊。

8.The cpmax of the show was three cats using their sharp claws to draw pictures in the clay!演出的高潮是三只小猫用它们锋利的爪子在粘土上画画!

9.Our cousins have three cats, we only have one!我们的堂亲有三只猫,而我们只有一只!

10.They have many pets, including three cats.他们有很多宠物,猫就有三只。