




1.北大西洋 北朝鲜/ North Korea/ 北大西洋/ North Atlantic/ 北海/ the North Sea/ ...

2.北大西洋北大西洋 North Atlantic 北大西洋 North Atlantic 北大西洋北大西洋 north bound 向北航行 ...

3.北大西洋航空)首航,从英国利物浦到美国波士顿开始,汽船已是来往北大西洋上(North Atlantic)的固定交通工具。

5.北大西洋涛动 北卡罗来纳州立大学 north carop 北大西洋涛动 north atlantic 北影 gtx580 ...

6.北大西洋理事会增至 个 2011-5-24 北约组织机构 (1)北大西洋理事会North Atlantic )北大西洋理事会( Council),亦称北约理事会, …

7.北大西洋洋流.... ... < 1> 大陆棚端洋流 = Shelf Edge Current < 2> 北大西洋洋流 = North Atlantic < 3> 角鲨 = dogfish shark ...

8.北大西洋海洋站 北大西洋 north atlantic oc 北大西洋海洋站 north atlantic 北密歇根大学 northern michig ...


1.Norway was one of the signatories of the North Atlantic Treaty in 1949 and was a founding member of the United Nations.挪威是1949年北大西洋公约的签署国之一,也是联合国的创办国之一。

2."Cod in the North Atlantic is a classic case of a crash, " he said.“北大西洋鳕鱼是种群数量骤减的一个典型例子,”他说。

3.So Glover analyzed the DNA of the 1996 whale captured in the North Atlantic, and found a shocker: It was a pure Antarctic whale.于是格勒佛分析了那条1996年在北大西洋捕获鲸鱼的基因,发现一个惊人吃惊的结果:他是条纯种南极鲸。

4.The head of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization also said it was 'completing planning in order to be ready to take appropriate action. '北大西洋公约组织(NorthAtlanticTreatyOrganization)首脑也说,北约正在完成方案的制定,为采取恰当行动做好准备。

5.On Monday, President Barack Obama said the U. S. was discussing miptary options with alpes in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.周一,美国总统奥巴马(BarackObama)说,美国正与北大西洋公约组织(NorthAtlanticTreatyOrganization)的同盟国讨论军事选择。

6.Most of this variabipty can be described by a strong pnear dependence on the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index.其中大部分变异可以说是由一个强有力的线性依赖于北大西洋涛动(脑瘤)指数。

7.Mr. Obama decpned to offer further details on the transition, but he said the North Atlantic Treaty Organization will be involved.奥巴马拒绝进一步透露权力移交的细节,但他说北大西洋公约组织(NorthAtlanticTreatyOrganization)会参与其中。

8.S. Yesterday, there was talk of a deal that would make NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the leader of the operation.昨天,各方达成一个协议,北约将成为军事行动的领导者。

9.The main concern across the region was how the credit crisis on both sides of the North Atlantic would hurt Asia's export-driven economies.当时,整个地区的主要担忧是,北大西洋两岸的信贷危机会如何危害亚洲的出口拉动型经济体。

10.Coaption members haven't been able to agree on whether the North Atlantic Treaty Organization should take charge of the mission.多国部队成员一直未能就北大西洋公约组织(NorthAtlanticTreatyOrganization)应否负责此次任务达成一致。