




1.二莫耳氧分子前,正极板上二氧化铅电离为四价铅离子(pb4+)和二价氧离子O2-),铅离子附着在正极板上,氧离子进入电解液中, …

4.二氧化硫与氧理是硫(S)在空气中燃烧生成二氧化硫(SO2) ,二氧化硫与氧O2) ,三氧化硫与水(H2O)反应生成硫酸(H2SO4) 。



1.On the train back up to Manchester later in the day, Ferdinand tweeted his excitement at spending the day at The O2.当天晚些时候,在回曼彻斯特的火车上,费迪南德就他在O2度过的激动的一天发了推特。

2.Ferrigno, the bodybuilder who played the Hulk, was training Jackson ahead of his 50 concert dates at the O2 Arena in London.绿巨人的扮演者,健美先生福瑞格诺,一直训练迈克·杰克逊,帮其在在伦敦O2体育场举行五十场演唱健身。

3.A recent production at the O2 in London featured a stage divided into a 9x4 virtual grid of 36 spaces to locapze sound.一个最近出现在论坛O2的产品可以将舞台分割成为9x4的虚拟网格,通过36个空间来定位声音。

4.Target training intensity was the heart rate associated with 50% of each woman's peak O2.训练强度的目标是与每个女性高峰氧的50%相关的心率。

5.Recently, Palmer received the O2 X Entrepreneur of the Year award for 2007 in a ceremony in London.最近,在伦敦举行的“O2X2007年度最佳企业人”颁奖礼上,帕默获此殊荣。

6.Mr. Jackson had been scheduled to perform 50 concerts at the O2 arena in London beginning next month and continuing into 2010.迈克.杰克逊原本计划从7月开始在伦敦O2大舞台举办50场演唱会,一直持续到2010年。

7.Chillness intensified the senescent of leaves, enhanced the MDA content and the O2-. produce rate, this was more evident in Shanyou63.低温处理加剧了叶片的衰老,使得MDA含量和O2-产生速率上升,两优培九的升幅较汕优63小。

8.There are bound to be losses, insurance claims and the prospect of an empty London O2 Arena for 50 nights during the peak summer period.原定7月开始的这一系列演唱会,预期将在夏季票房高峰期在伦敦O2体育馆创下50晚爆棚的纪录,但现在注定导致巨额亏损和保险索赔。

9.Ferdinand was not the only footballer in attendance at The O2 on Wednesday.费迪南德并不是周三出现在O2球场的唯一一名足球运动员。

10.Explore the history of British popular music at this interactive museum at The O2 in London.在伦敦O2互动馆中探索英伦流行音乐进程。