


美式发音: 英式发音: ['hə:kjup:z]




n.1.大力士2.【希神,罗神】赫尔克里斯,大力神3.【天】武仙座,a regular Hercules 大力士

n.1.in Roman mythology, the son of Jupiter and Alcmene, noted for his courage and great strength and the performing of 12 near-impossible labors.2.a man with great or unusual strength3.a constellation of the northern hemisphere

1.大力士 电子情书 You've Got Mail 大力士 Hercules 国家公敌 Enemy of the State ...

2.大力神 让叶( Yuzuriha) ★武仙座( Hercules) 史昂( Shion) ...

4.赫拉克勒斯宙斯所生的赫拉克勒斯(hercules)因为天后赫拉的陷害而丧失神智,杀了自己的妻儿,为了要赎罪,他接受神喻,前往服侍他的 …

5.海格力斯两根海格力斯Hercules)银柱威然屹立在盾徽两边,仿佛将国家的安全置于其护佑之中。左柱顶上绘有一顶王冠,右柱顶上 …

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7.赫克力士赫克力士HERCULES)化工(江门)有限公司成立于1997年,是世界顶尖化工企业之一的美国赫克力士公司亚跨龙部门(其 …

8.赫丘利墨丘利的右边则是裸体的赫丘利Hercules),在希腊神话中他被译为海格力斯,一个帮助伊阿宋觅取金羊毛、解救普罗米修 …


1.Hercules agreed, but asked to find a pair of Atlas in his shoulder pads when carrying a moment for him on Earth.海格立斯表示同意,但是要求阿特拉斯在他去找一副垫肩时,也替他扛一会儿地球。

2.The Greeks bepeved that Gibraltar was one of the Pillars of Hercules and no one dared sail beyond it.希腊人相信直布罗陀是赫克利斯石柱之一,因而没有人胆敢驶离它的范围。

3.But Hercules appeared to him, and said, "Man, don't kneel there. Get up and put your shoulder to the wheel. "大力神出现了,并对他说:“伙计,不要跪在那儿,起来,用你肩膀推车轮。”

4.In one day, Hercules diverted two rivers through the barns, cleaning them, but he did not receive the cattle that were promised in the deal.在这一天里,赫尔克里斯把两条小河引过来,将马厩冲洗干净,但没有得到承诺的马群。

5.Adonis, Hercules, Bacchus, among the Greeks, illustrate in pke manner the changes of the seasons and personify the sovereignty of the Sun.在希腊是阿多尼斯、海格勒斯和巴克斯,以类似的方式描绘了季节的变更,把太阳人格化成一位君主。

6.The Cyclops , Apollo's chariot? and now hydra heads! I've got my work cut out for me if I'm going to beat Hercules to task number twelve.独眼巨人,阿波罗战车?现在是九头蛇怪!我自己的工作被取代了,假如我还打算去击败大力英雄来达成十二项任务。

7.Born Hercules, the strapping lad is rejected by his mother, envied by his brother Iphicles, and loathed by Zeus's wife Hera .当海克力斯出世后,他除了被母亲嫌弃外,还受到兄弟伊菲克勒斯的嫉妒,以及宙斯妻子希拉的厌恶。

8.The rustic driver, stupefied and aghast, stood looking at the wagon, and did nothing but utter loud cries to Hercules to come and help him.这个乡下赶车人一下呆住了,只是站在一旁看着牛车,他什么也没做只是大声哭喊着求大力神海格力斯来帮助他。

9.He was out the door, pke Hercules gone off to one of his labors.他出门了,像是赫拉克勒斯,出发去执行任务似的。

10.Our journey did not, in fact, begin at Hercules Inlet, where frozen ocean meets the land of Antarctica.实际上我们的旅途不是从大力士站开始的,在从冻海和南极土地接壤的地方。