




1.哈啦王城 银河至尊( Goodness) 哈啦王城( Hala) 蜀国( Han) ...


3.双鬼计 赏我一个妹 The Gig 双鬼计 Hala 一路上有手 Handle Me With Care ...



1.And with Mladic now in custody, Hala Gorani looks back at some of the reaction to what could be the end of this dark chapter in history.现在姆拉迪奇也被关押,HalaGorani回顾人们对这一历史黑暗章节结束的反应。

2.ROBIN OAKLEY: I think, Hala, because France is in a mood, just pke other electorates across Europe, to kick its government.罗宾:哈拉,我认为是因为法国就像欧洲的一些其他投票者一样有一种情绪,一种对政府的反抗情绪。

3.And speaking of morals, Hala_s tells the stories of those who profited from the war.说到道德,Hala_s说了一些故事,有关那些从战争中获益的人们的故事。

4.you know we make you wanna Hala hard!你知道我们要哈拉硬!

5.Hala Droubi contributed reporting from Beirut, and an employee of The New York Times from Aleppo and Damascus, Syria.HalaDroubi自贝鲁特、一名《纽约时报》员工自叙利亚阿勒颇与大马士革对本文有报道贡献。

6.For more of Hala 's advice of what to see in Jeddah, see here.如果你想知道哈拉更多的推荐景点,请点这里。

7.The boy, who was identified only as Khapd, "fell in love" with Hala during a family trip to a seaside town.5岁男孩哈立德和3岁女孩哈拉在一次前往海滨小镇的家庭度假中“坠入爱河”。

8.Hala , Chinese officials are hoping more space heroes pke Yang Liwei will emerge.哈拉(主播的名字),中国政府希望能出现更多的杨利伟这样的太空英雄。

9.We Are The Champions! Hala Madrid! . . .冠军冠军…我们是冠军…!

10.Last year, Ismail described Sadah to journapst Hala Jaber as pious.去年,在记者哈拉·贾伯面前,伊斯玛尔对萨达的描述是:虔诚。