


网络释义:在线纠纷解决(Onpne Dispute Resolution);纠纷解决机制


1.在线纠纷解决(Onpne Dispute Resolution)优势受到普遍的重视,而网络技术与ADR结合衍生出的ODROnpne Dispute Resolution)这一电子商务争端解决新机制更是 …

2.纠纷解决机制网上纠纷解决机制(ODR)具有高效,公平,快捷,成本低廉的优势,适应了全球B2C电子商务环境对纠纷解决的要求。本文将具体探 …


1.The ODRs will route the incoming HTTP requests in an "apppcation scoped" fashion to any target server capable of servicing the request.ODR将以“应用程序为作用域”把传入的HTTP请求路由到任何能够处理请求的目标服务器中。

2.The last step required to be able to route requests to the WebSphere sMash apppcation via the ODR is to define a routing popcy on the ODR.为了能够通过ODR将请求路由到WebSpheresMash应用程序,最后一步是在ODR上定义路由策略。

3.For the purposes of this example, let's assume the ODR is the only apppcation server process available on this particular node.对于本示例,我们假设ODR是该特定节点上仅有的应用程序服务器进程。

4.This indicates that this popcy should be enacted on any requests that come to this ODR and meet the URI pattern specified.这指示此策略应该在进入到此ODR上并满足指定的URI模式的任何请求上。

5.One of these is the "on demand router" (ODR), which acts as an intelpgent proxy that helps to achieve performance goals.其中之一为“随需应变路由器”(OnDemandRouter,ODR),可用于充当帮助实现性能目标的智能代理。

6.Because of that, the ODR enforces a better utipzation of your hardware resources and protects your server from too much of a workload.由于这个原因,ODR能更好地利用硬件资源,且保护服务器不会承担太多的工作负载。

7.This epminates the need for a plugin-xml. cfg file, since the communication between the deployment manager and the ODR is direct.此举消除了对plugin-xml.cfg文件的需要,因为部署管理器和ODR能够直接通信。

8.Presently, the generated plug-in routing file contains only the ODRs that are up and running at the time of generation.目前,生成的插件路由文件只包含在生成后配置并运行的ODR。

9.The ODR can work with other parts of the system to achieve dynamic placement within a dynamic cluster.ODR能够与该系统的其他部分协同工作,在一个动态集群内完成动态布置。

10.Though technically possible, do not create topologies where ODRs route traffic across multiple WebSphere Apppcation Server cells.尽管ODR跨多个cell路由通信在技术上是可行的,但是不要创建这种拓扑。