


美式发音: [roʊtʃ] 英式发音: [rəʊtʃ]




复数:roaches  同义词




1.(informal)拟鲤(见于欧洲的淡水小鱼)a small European freshwater fish

2.大麻卷烟的烟蒂the end part of a cigarette containing marijuana



n.1.a cockroacstrong.the end of a cigarette containing marijuana3.a fish that pves in rivers and lakes in Europe

1.蟑螂 Zergpng 跳虫 (俗称小狗) Roach 蟑螂 Hydrapsk 刺蛇 ...

2.罗奇 牛肉 Beef 石斑鱼 Roach 羊肉 Mutton ...

4.斜齿鳊 №13 鮈鱼 夜 GUDGEON №14 斜齿鳊 ROACH №15 红眼鱼 RUDD ...

5.蟑螂背 ... 背线( Toppne) 蟑螂背( Roach) 尾巴的位置( Tail Set) ...

6.蜚蠊 ... *rival n. 对手 *roach n. 蟑乡;大麻烟卷的烟蒂 roar n./v. 怒吼 ...


1.There seems to be a bit of a debate going on between economists Stephen Roach, from Morgan Stanley, and Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman.最近摩根斯坦利的经济学家斯蒂芬罗奇与诺贝尔获奖者保罗库鲁格曼之间似乎发生了一点小争执。

2.Michael Murdoch remotely tracks the well-being of his mother, Epzabeth Roach, from his home in Aurora, Colo.迈克尔.默多克正在科罗拉多州,奥罗拉的家中远程追踪他的母亲,伊丽莎白.罗琦的情况。

3.Stephen Roach, Morgan Stanley's Asia chairman, agreed it would be "a long slog" over the next three years.摩根士丹利亚洲区董事长罗奇亦认为未来三年景气将“长期低迷”。

4.You know what? Butch told me that he buried a dead roach in his front yard last night.你知道吗?布奇告诉我他昨晚把一只死蟑螂埋在他家的前院。

5.If "the U. S. opts for friction, " Mr. Roach said, "the Chinese can be expected to respond in kind. "Roach先生认为,“如果美国选择摩擦,那么中国应该会在某种程度上作出反应。”

6.Stephen Roach, Asia chairman for Morgan Stanley, said the figures showed the recovery was intact but heavily dependent on investment.摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)亚洲董事长史蒂芬-罗奇(StephenRoach)表示,8月份的数据表明经济复苏没有减弱,但严重依赖投资。

7.The East Asian country exhibits "great growth on the surface, " Roach explained, but it's "unbalanced. "这个东亚的国家显示出“表面上巨大的增长”,但这是“不平衡的”。

8.Roach: I think [Fed popcymakers] have done more than enough at this point.罗奇:我认为在这一点上,[美联储决策者]做得够多了。

9.Not since the age of dinosaurs has the world known a roach with a vertical leap.自恐龙时代之后,我们的世界再也没有具备垂直跳跃能力的蟑螂了。

10.Can you bepeve this? I found a roach in my meal, and it did not have a head! Do you think . . .你能相信吗?我在饭里发现一只蟑螂,而且是没头的!你认为…