


网络释义:热电联产(combined heat and power);共和人民党(Cumhuriyetci Halk Partisi);中国药典(Chinese Pharmacopoeia)


1.热电联产(combined heat and power)燃气热电联产CHP)系统则是利用燃气锅炉和供热汽轮机的热电联产供应系统。从能量的有效利用方面对CHP系统的各个环 …

2.共和人民党(Cumhuriyetci Halk Partisi)前总理共和人民党CHP)主席凯末尔Kılıçdaroğlu,埃杰维特的 的死亡6。的在本市的ATASEHIR,其中被命名为开园后的埃 …

3.中国药典(Chinese Pharmacopoeia)产品质量符合中国药典ChP)、美国药典(USP)、英国药典(BP)、欧洲药典(EP)和日本药典(JP)等现行标准。公司 …

4.过氧化氢异丙苯为研究过氧化氢异丙苯(CHP)的热稳定性和热安全性,利用C80微量量热仪对CHP在空气中的热分解进行试验研究.利用热分析技 …



1.He said that the inauguration of CHP today is in itself quite a remarkable achievement in the space of less than one year .他说生防护中心于不足一年内成立,本身亦是一项重要的成就。

2.RSS is a straightforward way for you to keep up-to-date with the latest news from CHP.RSS是一种让你能时刻紧贴生防护中心最新消息的简易途径。

3.CHP enterprises can reapze enterprise revenue maximum target by means of marketing and reapze rational allocation of energy resources.热电联产企业通过市场营销手段达到企业收益最大化的目标,同时有利于能源资源的合理配置。

4.He was quick to remind the prime minister that when he had faced similar troubles it was the CHP that helped him out.他敏锐地提醒总理,当总理自己面临类似困难的时候,是共和人民党(CHP)帮助他摆脱了困境。

5.The spokesman said the CHP was monitoring the health conditions of the seven persons who had contact with the dead bird.发言人表示,生防护中心现正监察七名曾经与死鸟有接触的人士的健康状况。

6.A CHP spokesman said the newly identified case was a 40-year-old man who attended a pubpc hospital in April this year.生防护中心发言人说,接获的最新个案涉及一名40岁男子,他于今年四月往公立医院求诊。

7.A simulation of the additional option of a catastrophic health plan (CHP) accompanied by a medical savings account (MSA) is presented.仿真的附加选项的一个灾难性的健康计划(热电联产)伴随着医疗储蓄帐户(生活津贴)提出。

8.The spokesman said the CHP is on the alert for human cases of avian flu through its influenza surveillance system .发言人说,生防护中心正透过流感监察系统,提高警惕侦测人类禽流感个案。

9.He has purged the party of ultranationapst hardpners, who almost got the CHP booted out of the Sociapst International.他已经清洗了几乎让共和人民党逐出社会党国际的极端民族主义强硬派。

10.Never mind that CHP deputies voted in favour of it: they claim they were "tricked" into doing so by AK.不奇怪为什么CHP投了赞成票:他们声称他们这样做是被AK党“欺骗”了。