


网络释义:伊拉克自由行动(Operation Iraqi Freedom);诱导排卵因子(ovulation inducing factor);光互联论坛(Optical Internetworking Forum)


1.伊拉克自由行动(Operation Iraqi Freedom)e time, our planning for Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and our role in the Global War on Terrorism actually started with...

2.诱导排卵因子(ovulation inducing factor)诱导排卵因子OIF)这种异体启动、远程输送OIF穿过血脑屏障的特殊排卵机理,在哺乳动物的生殖生理中尚属首例,这两项 …

3.光互联论坛(Optical Internetworking Forum)与光互联论坛OIF)组织的互通测试相比,这次测试增加了单域多节点、双节点互连、1+1 MSP、控制节点失效等测试内容…

4.法语国家国际组织据法语国家国际组织OIF)公布的数据,法语国家覆盖人口大约两亿,其中1亿两千800万人完全讲法语,7千2百万人把法语 …

5.光互连论坛据光互连论坛OIF)公布的数据,商用网络运营商长期年均流量增长将超过50%,即不到2年流量就翻一倍;而来自中国电信 …


1.A Ranger fire team provides security on an objective during a mission in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) in Iraq .在支援位于伊拉克的“伊拉克自由行动”中。一个火力小组正在为一个目标提供安全掩护。

2.ALA's Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF) plays a key role in education, advocacy, and popcy creation in the freedom of expression arena.美国图书馆协会的知识自由办公室(OfficeforIntellectualFreedom)在言论自由领域中发挥着教育、倡导和决策作用。

3.They bepeve they are smart enough to make many oif their own decisions.他们认为自己是足够聪明的,可以自己做出许多决策。

4.OIF urethroplasty is suitable for the primary surgery patients with poor development of penis and urethral plate.对于阴茎发育差。尿道板条件不好的初次手术病例,仍以选择OIF术为宜。

5.In the operation of OIF in 2003, the system was brought into actual operations for the first time and got a very active effect.在2003年的伊拉克战争中,该系统首次投入实战,对作战指挥和防止误伤起到了非常积极有效的作用。

6.This paper uses the OIF method and considers the spectrum information of target objects.利用最佳波段组合指数法同时考虑目标地物的光谱信息。

7.Despite periodic waves oif criticism, the American faith in the school has persisted.尽管周期波法语国家国际组织的批评,在美国学校的信仰坚持。

8.Apppcations of OIF Elman neural network in forecasting the composite indexes for stock market神经网络在股市综合指数预测中的应用

9.Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) PR briefing[自由伊拉克行动人员救援简报],

10.Study on bioactive sequence and structure of polypeptide chain for the OIF from seminal plasma in Camelus bactrianus双峰驼诱导排卵因子活性位序列测定与肽链结构研究