




1.红玫瑰 效率比 Gold Efficiency 红玫瑰 Red Roses 蓝玫瑰 Blue Roses ...

2.血色玫瑰 Emotiona ° 情感~~~ Red roses° 血色玫瑰 Soon followed° // 骤变 ∝ ...

3.玫瑰花 男士—手表 Watches—Aila Flower Dream - Red Roses 玫瑰花 水晶塑像摆饰【代购】6…

4.红色玫瑰 ... Every year, 每年 Red roses,choccolate, 红色玫瑰,巧克力 is full of love feepng. 充满了爱的感觉 ...

5.九十九枝红色玫瑰花 Wedding flowers in Hot summer! 适合炎夏结婚的鲜花 99 Red roses 九十九枝红色玫瑰花 Care Instructions 鲜花保养问题 ...

6.赤色玫瑰 ... ▍ Forever° 粗俗 Red roses° 赤色玫瑰 helpless____〃 无法 ...

7.红玫瑰班 中文名称 Chinese Title 红玫瑰班 Red Roses 太阳班 Sun ...


1.Flowers While a bouquet of red roses may be a bit overzealous for a first date, other flowers may send your message perfectly.鲜花对于第一次约会来说,送一束红玫瑰可能有点过于热情,而送其他花也许就能完美地传递你的讯息了。

2."She said that she would dance with me if I brought her red roses, " cried the young Student, "but in all my garden there is no red rose. "“她说只要我送她一些红玫瑰,她就愿意与我跳舞,”那个年轻学生大声的说,“但是我的花园里一只红玫瑰也没有。”

3.Do you know how much I love you? I love you more than the heaven, more than the starts. Your beauty is greater than one thousand red roses.妳知道我有多爱妳吗?我爱妳胜过天、胜过星星。妳的美丽胜过千朵的红玫瑰。

4.The door bell rang. I surprisingly received a bunch of red roses and a pttle card from USA. A short sentence saying: LBD - I love you!门铃响了,我惊喜地收到了由美国委托快递公司送来的一捧红玫瑰和一张小小的卡片。卡片上写着:LBD-我爱你!

5.Had not the creatures been venomous or been kissed by the witch, they would have been changed into red roses.如果这几只动物不是有毒的话,如果它们没有被这巫婆吻过的话,它们就会变成几朵红色的玫瑰。

6.If it doesn't work out, you will have spent all that cash on a fancy restaurant and red roses for nothing.假如这个机会完全不起作用,那么你所做的就是在一个豪华的餐厅和一束红玫瑰上花了大把的钱却什么也没得到。

7.If you're more of a traditionapst and want to splurge, shake things up a bit this Valentine's Day by sending a dozen red roses.如果您是一个墨守成规的人,如果您想要大肆挥霍,那么这个情人节,你可以稍作改变,买12支鲜红的玫瑰吧!

8.I see trees of green. Red roses too I see them bloom. For me and for you And I think to myself. What a wonderful world.我看到树儿的长青,红色玫瑰的热情我看到花儿的绽放,为你我纵情奔放我不禁明了,世界如此美妙。

9.Her boyfriend sent her a bunch of red roses on her birthday.她生日那天,她的男朋友送了她一束红玫瑰。

10.Rose understands that John intends to win her heart by means of sending endless letters and unnumbered red roses.罗斯明白约翰源源不绝的来信,连同无数的玫瑰花,目的是为了赢得她的心。