




1.对象 ... 4.7 Drawing Exchange Binary( 二进制代码转换) 4.10 OLE Object( 嵌入对象) 4.1 “Insert( 插入)”操作 ...

3.物件Yes/No) 逻辑型(Logical) OLE 对象型(OLE Object) 通用型(General)


1.You cannot set the Attachment or OLE Object data types by pasting data into a blank cell.不能通过在空白单元格中粘贴数据来设置“附件”或“OLE对象”数据类型。

2.If the method return value is an OLE object, returnvalue must be a local variable of data type int.如果方法返回值为OLE对象,则returnvalue必须是数据类型为int的局部变量。

3.You cannot compare projects that are opened in Internet Explorer or embedded as an OLE object in another document.您不能比较InternetExplorer中打开的项目或作为OLE对象在另一文档中嵌入的项目。

4.OLEComponent is the component name of the OLE Automation server, and Object is the name of the OLE object.OLEComponent是OLE自动化服务器的组件名称,Object是OLE对象的名称。

5.This method is similar to embedding files in an OLE Object field, but it consumes less storage space.此方法与将文件嵌入“OLE对象”字段中相似,但是它占用的存储空间较少。

6.The created OLE object is automatically destroyed at the end of the Transact-SQL statement batch.已创建的OLE对象在Transact-SQL语句批处理结束时会自动破坏。

7.Is the method name of the OLE object to call.要调用的OLE对象的方法名。

8.Specified OLE object is registered as a local OLE server (. Exe file) but the. Exe file could not be found or started.指定的OLE对象已注册为本地OLE服务器(.exe文件),但无法找到或启动该.exe文件。

9.Similar to Java Beans, an ActiveX control is a component and equivalent to an "OLE Object" and Component Object Model (COM) Object.与JavaBean类似,ActiveX控件也是一个组件,并且与“OLE对象”和组件对象模型(COM)对象等效。

10.If the property returns an OLE object, propertyvalue must be a local variable of data type int.如果属性返回OLE对象,则propertyvalue必须是数据类型为int的局部变量。