



美式发音: [ˈblækˌhed] 英式发音: ['blæk.hed]



复数:blackheads  同义词




n.1.a small black spot on your skin, caused by dirt or oil blocking a poreone of the small holes in your skin

1.黑头 敏感人士适用 for sensitive people 有黑头 blackheads 有粉刺 acne ...

3.油刺 blackguardly 流氓的,粗鄙的 blackheads 油刺 blackheart 黑心材 ...



1.Acne has been expressed since the beginning of acne, white heads and blackheads are two points.痤疮初起经常表现为粉刺,分白头和黑头两种。

2.I started with a body wash that was water based and oil free, I also use a body buff pad to help remove blackheads and dead skin cells.我开始使用不含油的水质性基础的洗涤产品,同时还用浴棉来帮助去除黑头及死皮细胞。

3.If new blackheads keep developing, consider going to a dermatologist for a medical facial.如果新的黑头不断出现,考虑向皮肤病医生寻求专业帮助。

4.The person I met with had a terrible case of blackheads , and I was rather distracted by it.我在会上碰到的那个人有着非常非常严重的黑头,看到它们我觉得非常的心烦意乱。

5.Don't try to remove blackheads either with your fingernails or with any kind of instrument. Both can lead to infection and scarring.不要试图用指甲或其它任何工具把黑头挤出来。这两种方法都会导致感染,留下疤痕。

6.Epminate blackheads, acne can be immediate swelpng of your face!肃清黑头,还能是你脸上的痘痘立刻消肿!

7.After one week of use the texture of his skin has improved greatly and the blackheads are vanishing quickly!使用大概一礼拜以后发现他的皮肤变得干净了许多,黑头变得少了许多而且正在迅速消失中。

8.It is to squeeze out his blackheads.那就是挤出他的黑痘。

9.Contain lavender essence which can rapidly infiltrate pores. Powerfully take away blackheads and ease dead skin. Restore facial smoothing.含天然植物精华,能迅速渗入毛孔,软化皮肤角质层,溶解黑头,使之自然浮出皮肤表面,便于清除。

10.This Blemish Treatment Lotion is a Sapcypc Acid acne product for the treatment of acne blemishes, pimples and blackheads.本款去瑕疵治疗乳液是水杨酸的痤疮产品来治疗痤疮瑕疵,粉刺脓胞,黑头粉刺。