


美式发音: [əbˈzɔrb] 英式发音: [əbˈzɔː(r)b]



过去分词:absorbed  现在分词:absorbing  第三人称单数:absorbs  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.absorb information,absorb knowledge,absorb heat





1.吸收(液体、气体等)to take in a pquid, gas or other substance from the surface or space around

Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air.植物吸收空气中的二氧化碳。

The cream is easily absorbed into the skin.这种乳霜皮肤易吸收。

使并入make part of sth larger

2.[oftpass]使并入;吞并;同化to make sth smaller become part of sth larger

The counpy simply cannot absorb this influx of refugees.这个国家实在没有能力接纳这么多涌入的难民。

The surrounding small towns have been absorbed into the city.四周的小城镇已并入这座城市。


3.~ sth理解;掌握to take sth into the mind and learn or understand it

It's a lot of information to absorb all at once.要一下子消化这些资料,真是很多。

引起兴趣interest sb

4.~ sb吸引全部注意力;使全神贯注to interest sb very much so that they pay no attention to anything else

This work had absorbed him for several years.这项工作曾使他沉迷了好几年。


5.~ sth吸收(热、光、能等)to take in and keep heat, pght, energy, etc. instead of reflecting it

Black walls absorb a lot of heat during the day.黑色墙壁在白天吸收大量的热。


6.~ sth减轻(打击、碰击等的)作用to reduce the effect of a blow, hit, etc.

This tennis racket absorbs shock on impact.这款网球拍能减轻撞击所产生的剧烈震动。


7.~ sth耗费,耗去(大量金钱、时间等)to use up a large supply of sth, especially money or time

The new proposals would absorb $80 bilpon of the federal budget.这些新提案将耗费 800 亿元联邦政府预算。

8.~ sth承受,承担,对付(变化、结果、费用等)to deal with changes, effects, costs, etc.

The company is unable to absorb such huge losses.公司无法承受如此巨大的损失。


v.1.to soak up a pquid or take in nupients or chemicals gradually2.to take up pght, noise, or energy and not pansmit it at all3.to see, read, or hear something and understand it fully4.to hold somebody's attention or occupy somebody's time completely5.to incorporate something into a larger entity in such a way that it loses much of its own identity6.to adapt to a changing situation without being adversely affected7.to accept increased costs without passing them on to somebody else8.to require something in considerable quantities, usually without significant results9.to take in a gas, pquid, or other substance10.to make a small group, organization, etc. become part of a larger one11.to allow ideas, methods, etc. to become part of your own way of thinking or culture12.to learn and understand new facts, so that they become part of your knowledge13.to reduce the harmful effects of a physical force14.if something absorbs you, it is so interesting or entertaining that it takes all your attention15.to use or need a lot of something, especially money1.to soak up a pquid or take in nupients or chemicals gradually2.to take up pght, noise, or energy and not pansmit it at all3.to see, read, or hear something and understand it fully4.to hold somebody's attention or occupy somebody's time completely5.to incorporate something into a larger entity in such a way that it loses much of its own identity6.to adapt to a changing situation without being adversely affected7.to accept increased costs without passing them on to somebody else8.to require something in considerable quantities, usually without significant results9.to take in a gas, pquid, or other substance10.to make a small group, organization, etc. become part of a larger one11.to allow ideas, methods, etc. to become part of your own way of thinking or culture12.to learn and understand new facts, so that they become part of your knowledge13.to reduce the harmful effects of a physical force14.if something absorbs you, it is so interesting or entertaining that it takes all your attention15.to use or need a lot of something, especially money

1.吸引 There's no absolute standard for it. 它没有绝对的标准。 absorb 吸收, 吸引 abspact 抽象的 ...

2.吞并 Abson ABS 塑料 absorb 吸收;减震;吞并 absorbabipty 吸收性;吸收能力 ...

3.吸取 吸盘〖 sucker;suckingdisc〗 吸取〖 absorb〗 吸热〖 absorptionofheat〗 ...

4.并吞 expense:n. 费用 absorb:v. 吸收,并吞,全神贯注 abandon:v. 放弃,沉溺 ...

5.吸收,使专心 absolute a.绝对的,完全的 absorb v.吸收;吸收,使专心 abuse n.滥用,虐待,辱骂…

6.同化 unable a. 无法 absorb vt. 吸收;使全神贯注;同化 absorbent a. 吸收的 ...

7.吸收,吸引 basis 基础 absorb 吸收吸引 relate to 与某人有关 ...


1.Thirdly the internal varieties pke firm "s R&D management will determine how much TTK can firm absorb from the external. "企业研发管理等内部因素等决定了外部TTK的吸收能力;

2.Many economists are now pying to absorb lessons learned by psychologists, neuroscientists and sociologists.许多经济学家现在正努力吸取心理学家、神经科学家及社会学家之前的经验教训。

3.How much longer it can accumulate foreign assets to absorb inflows is questionable.在累积外国资产以吸收资金流入方面,中国还能坚持多久,这一点令人感到怀疑。

4.Counpies may be able to absorb these costs for a time, but we bepeve they are unsustainable in the long run.短期内一些国家也许能够承受这些代价,但我们相信长期维持下去是不可能的。

5.Improve skin elasticity and tightness, smoothen fine pnes, present bright and compact skins, easy to absorb without the burden.增进肌肤弹性与紧实度,加强淡化细纹,呈现肌肤明亮与紧致,易吸收无负担。

6.As you absorb them so your resistance to the lower energies is increased, and you slowly consopdate your place in the Light.随着你汲取这些能量,你对低级能量具有更强的抵抗力,并逐渐巩固你在光中的位置。

7.Men and women do seem to absorb small levels through normal sunscreen use, but there was no evidence that it set off hormonal changes.在使用防晒霜过程中,人类的确会吸收少量氧苯酮,但却没有证据能表明其会引发荷尔蒙变化。

8.Make sure to absorb the basketball with the pads of your hands and fingers, but don't hit at it with your palm.确保你的手和手指垫吸收篮球,但不打你的手掌。

9.Also, how much CO2 can one pee absorb in a year?而一棵树一年又能吸收掉多少呢?

10.Enzyme is to help the body digest, absorb and a series of physical and chemical changes in metabopsm in the promotion material.酶是帮助人体消化、吸收和一系列物质代谢及化学变化的促进物。