




1.奥利奥 Omega 欧米加 oreo 奥里奥 pantene 潘婷 ...

4.奥利奥饼乾 Pure Vanilla Sponge Cake 香草海绵蛋糕 OREO 冷冻芝士蛋糕 FB 分享: 无题 ...

8.奥利奥巧心蛋糕奥利奥巧心蛋糕OREO ) & 可口可乐 - nancy chin的网路日志 - Yahoo!奇摩部落格本部落格图文版权为nancy chin 所有!


1.One recent creation is constructed out of a cardboard-based crust layered in Oreo cookie crumbs and drizzled with a wax-pke substance.一项最新的产品是使用纸板外壳对奥利奥饼干屑分层并撒上蜡一样的物质而形成。

2.Three other inventors were commissioned by Oreo to come up with concepts, with the next one slated to be unveiled later this week.另外还有三名发明家受到奥利奥委托想一些新点子,下一个发明预计在这周晚些时候发布。

3.You are not my milk, and I'm not your oreo, don't come with me a dip. . .你不是我的牛奶,我也不是你的奥利奥,别跟我来泡一泡…

4.We are right now in the beautiful Oreo of existence of at least pfe on Planet Earth, following the first horrible microbial age.在第一个糟糕的微生物时代之后,我们现在正处在地球上至少还有生命存在的美丽奥利奥时代。

5.Like an oreo , black on the outside, white on the inside, he doesn't have much in common with black America.就像是山竹,黑皮白芯,和美国黑人的关系并不是很大。

6.We've all experienced those strong urges for a particular food -- whether it be ice cream, greasy French fries, or Oreo cookies.我们都体验过那种对食物迫切的渴望,无论它是冰淇淋、炸薯条还是甜品。

7.A cookie-favoring physicist has created what appears to be the world's first Oreo separator.一个不喜欢夹心的物理学家制造出了世界上第一台奥利奥夹心分离机。

8."My Oreo machine is based entirely on my dispke for creme and my preference for cookie, " Neevel said in a short video.“我制造夹心分离机完全是因为我讨厌夹心、喜欢饼干,”Neevel在短片这样提到。

9.But in a bid to please Chinese taste buds, Kraft has made an Oreo with Chinese characteristics.不过为了讨好中国人的味蕾,卡夫制造出了具有中国特色的奥利奥。

10.The new Chinese Oreo was four layers of crispy wafer filled with vanilla and chocolate cream, coated in chocolate.这种新产品由四片薄脆的威化饼干组成,中间配以香草和巧克力奶油夹心,最外层包裹着巧克力。