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网络释义:口服补液盐(Oral Rehydration Salts);口服补液(oral rehydration solution);口服补液盐溶液



1.口服补液盐(Oral Rehydration Salts)过调整改进而研制出的一种新配方,这种新配方的低渗型口服补液盐ORS),国内通用名为口服补液盐III,以替代原ORS。

2.口服补液(oral rehydration solution)什么叫口服补液(ORS)疗法?其最佳配方及服用方法是什么? (2011-8-2 11:17:17)女性头发分叉解决方法和注意事项 (2011-8-1 11…

3.口服补液盐溶液给口服补液盐溶液(ORS)每立升水中含葡萄糖20克,氯化钠3.5克,碳酸氢钠2.5克,氯化钾15克。也可静脉滴注5%葡萄糖生理 …

4.口服补盐液给口服补盐液(ORS),每升含葡萄糖20克,氯化钠3.5克,碳酸氢钠2.5克,氯化钾15克。也可静脉滴注5%葡萄糖生理盐水,有 …

5.口服葡萄糖盐水或补液盐也可以不点滴而喝口服葡萄糖盐水或补液盐ORS)配方成份:葡萄糖 22克 一般服1000ml,呕吐严重或脱水者应给予静脉补 …

6.骨科研究学会(Orthopaedic Research Society)Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS)是美国骨科研究学会,其实也就是我们习惯上的美国基础骨科学会,成立于1954年,也是 …


1.Occasionally, I experienced excited mood for many times, but I because press press ors and cannot be put too, leave normally.有时候,我多次感受到了兴奋的情绪,但我通常都由于太受压抑而无法放得开。

2.ORS is a mixture of clean water, salt and sugar, which can be prepared safely at home. It costs a few cents per treatment.口服补液盐可在家中用洁净水、盐和糖配制而成,每次治疗费用只有几美分。

3.It all sounds wonderful for invest ors and the U. S. economy. There's just one problem: It's a crock.听起来这对投资者和美国经济都很好。但是只有一个问题:这都是胡说八道。

4.Our team is building an unusual form of crossbar logic circuit with arrays of switches and wired ANDs and ORs .我们的小组正在利用开关阵列和接线上的AND与OR逻辑闸,建造一种不寻常的交叉杆逻辑电路。

5.Odds ratios (ORs) were calculated for the lowest quartile of each nutrient using the other 3 quartiles combined as the reference group.用其他三个四分位数联合作为对照,通过每个营养素的下四分位数计算出优势比(ORs)。

6.The ORS solution is absorbed in the small intestine, thus replacing the water and electrolytes lost.口服补液盐溶液在小肠内吸收,从而补充水和电解质的丢失。

7.abstract: Objective To evaluate the effects on fluid infusion with oral rehydration salt(ORS) in adult acute infectious diarrhea patients.目的探讨口服补液盐(ORS)治疗成人急性腹泻患者补液治疗的临床效果。

8.Estabpshing the local production of ORS will be a key step to ensure countries can meet their own needs in controlpng diarrhoeal disease.在当地生产口服补液盐将是确保各国能够在控制腹泻病方面满足其自身需求的关键一步。

9.Treatment for sick children with Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS) combined with zinc supplements is safe, cost-effective, and saves pves.对患病儿童进行口服补液盐与锌补充剂相结合的治疗,即安全、经济有效,又可拯救生命。

10.ORS is absorbed in the small intestine and replaces the water and electrolytes lost in the faeces.口服补液盐在小肠吸收,可补充随粪便流失的水和电解质。