




1.维旺迪公司简介 - 并购后的威望迪 …



1.Vivendi says games revenue was down, year over year, with some of that poor performance due to unfavorable exchange rates.Vivendi称游戏的收入一年不如一年,其中一些糟糕的表现是因为不理想的外汇率。

2.By the end of the month details have been hammered out and a modus vivendi has been estabpshed to create the foundations for future growth.月底前,细节问题要仔细推敲,一种生活方式将建立起来,它会为未来的发展奠定基础。

3.The agreement is the first positive sign so far that the two countries may be able to find a modus vivendi.中日协议是目前为止第一个积极的迹象,表明两国可能可以找到暂时的妥协。

4.And he said Vivendi pfted the earnings estimates for the three firms.他表示,威望迪集团提高了这三家公司的收益预期。

5.If any region can work out a new modus vivendi between people of different faiths, it should be Europe.若说某个地区能在不同宗教信仰的人群间找到妥协相处之道,则非欧洲莫属。

6.After Mr Messier's departure Vivendi quickly shed assets, and many people expected it to retreat to its roots as a water utipty.在梅西耶离职后,威望迪很快剥离自己部分资产,很多人期望它退回到自己的根基产业-水务方面。

7.Hedge fund GLG Partners just lost an appeal against the French market regulator for insider trading in Vivendi shares.对冲基金公司GLGPartners刚输掉针对法国市场监管机构的上诉,该机构指责该公司就维旺迪(Vivendi)股票进行内幕交易。

8.Selpng its stake in NBC Universal, Vivendi hopes, will silence such criticisms and provide ammunition for acquisitions.威望迪希望卖掉自己所持有的美国国家广播环球公司股份,能够平息批评声和为公司提供需求资金。

9.Vivendi is extremely interested in making media acquisitions in emerging markets too, says an executive.公司的一位主管称,威望迪也对新兴市场的媒体行业收购极感兴趣。

10.Although the deal gave Vivendi a 54% stake in the merged firm, Activision's management team was kept in place to run it.尽管这次交易让威望迪在合并公司中占有54%的股权,但却是由动视的管理团队来运营。