




1.奥斯特罗姆任何组织或机构、个人负责。奥斯特罗姆夫妇Ostrom)将多中心秩序理论扩展到了政治、法律领域里,认为只有多中心秩 …

5.斯特洛姆 Jacquez 宋果 Ostrom 李珪 Nurse 李堪 ...


8.欧丝琼欧丝琼Ostrom)是自1969年首届诺贝尔经济学奖以来第一位女性得主,也是今年第五位女性得奖人,目前担任印第安那大学 …


1.Some of these have influenced game theory, which originally provided Ms Ostrom with her analytical tools.这些实验,有的还反过来影响了最初给奥斯特罗姆提供分析工具的博弈论。

2.Ostrom, who has collaborated frequently with her husband, Vincent, is in many ways a departure for the selection committee.对于评选委员会来说,选择奥斯特罗姆(她经常与丈夫文森特合作)从很多方面来说都是一次全新的尝试。

3.Ostrom told the academy by phone that she was surprised by its choice.奥斯特罗姆电话告知学院对他们的选择表示惊讶。

4.Ostrom said it was "an immense surprise" to learn of her success today.奥斯特罗姆今天表示,获悉自己得到诺贝尔经济学奖是一个“天大的惊喜”。

5.Epnor Ostrom, a professor from Indiana University, was honoured for her work on the management of common resources such as fish stocks.美国印第安纳大学教授埃莉诺·奥斯特罗姆(EpnorOstrom)因其在公共资源(如鱼类资源)管理方面的研究而获奖。

6.By choosing Wilpamson and Ostrom , the Swedish academy looked beyond the area of economics devoted to stockmarket behaviour .通过选择威廉姆森和奥斯特罗姆,瑞典皇家科学院将目光越过了致力于股市行为研究的经济学领域。

7.Ostrom was also asked about what her research might say about how we deal with the growing problem of global warming.也有记者问奥迪特罗姆教授:她的研究对我们解决发展中的全球变暖问题有什么启示?

8.But Ms Ostrom's research finds cases of private users acting together to manage common resources efficiently.但奥斯特罗姆在研究中发现一些案例,表明私人用户可以联合行动,有效地管理公共资源。

9.Ms Ostrom's research has spawned many experiments about how people interact strategically.奥斯特罗姆的研究还引发了许多实验,探讨人们如何战略性地互动。

10.Ms Ostrom has concentrated on a different aspect of economic governance.奥斯特罗姆则注重经济治理的不同方面。