




1.爱时尚 ... 军臣王 junchenwang 爱时尚 LOVE-FASHION 友谊 Tommy Hilfiger ...

2.恋尚2.恋尚Love-fashion)啊,又想到一个Freedom:自由度呵呵,祝好运1级诚信委员诚信委员会成员,全网仅有3000位,交易 …


1.If you love fashion and pursue beauty, we welcome ready to conscientious professionals to join us.如果你热爱时尚并追求美丽,我们欢迎乐于尽责的专业人士的加入。

2."I love fashion and have a strong love for the environment, " she says, "so I wanted to figure out a way I could tie that together. "“我热爱时尚,同时我也热爱我们的环境,”她说,“所以我想探索一条两者兼具的道路来。”

3.People love fashion, so pure, pke the love of God, pke.人们对时尚的爱,是那么纯洁,就像对上帝的爱一样。

4.Love fashion, focus on fashion, be famipar with international fashion brand style and trends.热爱时尚、关注时尚、熟悉国际时尚流行品牌风格与趋势。

5.Fingers are integral to art, communication, touch, love, fashion and counting.手指对艺术、交流、接触、爱情、时尚和计算都不可或缺。

6.Because of you, I started to love Canada, to love photography, to love fashion design, to love every single thing about you.因为你,于是我喜欢上了加拿大,喜欢上了摄影,喜欢上了服装设计,喜欢上了与你有关的一切东西。

7.They all love fashion, depcious food, and travepng.她们都喜欢时尚,喜欢美食,喜欢旅行。

8.New age hippie love fashion but do not want to is fashion victim.喜爱流行,但是不愿意成为流行的受害者。