


美式发音: [ˌəʊ ti: 'si:] 英式发音: [ˌəʊ ti: 'si:]

abbr.非处方药(over-the-counter drug );包括一切费用的单点包机旅游,直达全包包机旅游(one-stop inclusive tour charter, 亦作 O.T.C.)

网络释义:非处方药(over the counter);场外交易;场外交易市场


OTC— see alsoover-the-counter

abbr.1.one stop inclusive tour charter 一站全包旅行合约〔作一站旅行,一切开支全包括在内〕2.oxytetracycpn. 【药学】土霉素,地灵霉素

abbr.1.Officers' Training Corps2.over-the-counter

1.非处方药(over the counter)非处方药管理规则非处方药OTC)是指一类不需医师或其它专业人员开写处方的药品。具备以下特征的药品,可列为非处方 …

2.场外交易解析场外交易(otc)流程深入了解OTC市场 场外交易市场与交易所场内市场对比 不能利用风险换取市场。

3.场外交易市场 现货贵金属市场属于场外交易市场OTC),24小时国 际市场运作,定价中心纽约商品交易所和伦敦商品交易 所,主要交易 …

4.柜台交易如果柜台交易OTC)的衍生品改为在交易所交易的话,该业务15%的收入将一去不复返。以绝对标准计算,任何业务的缩水 …

5.场外市场所谓场外市场(OTC)是指金融机构直接与另一 机构交易,没有经过一个中央的交易市场,所以是不受监 管、毋须呈报交易资料 …

6.柜台交易市场柜台交易市场(OTC) 2.8万余家小型新公司在柜台交易市场交易股票。这个名称起源于真正在柜台上从本地经纪人处买股票的时 …


1.The GTSM deems an OTC psting inappropriate due to the scope or nature of the enterprise or other special conditions.其他因事业范围、性质或特殊情况,柜买中心认为不宜上柜者。

2.He said mooted exemptions for foreign exchange trades from the OTC market reforms being considered by US Congress would not be adopted.弗兰克表示,有关从国会正在考虑的OTC市场改革措施中豁免外汇交易的提议,不会被采纳。

3.At the onset of a headache, she had reached for a common over-the-counter (OTC) drug that she thought contained acetaminophen9.在刚刚出现头疼症状时,她去取一种普通的非处方(OTC)药,以为这种药里含有醋氨酚。

4.But, medium-sized and small enterprises board is only a transitional form of GEM market, OTC market also is only in the na? ve view.但是,现在的中小企业板块只是创业板的一个过渡形式,并不能算是资本市场的一个单独层次,同时,场外交易市场也还处于幼稚期。

5.A pediatrician recently told me that to treat colds, chicken soup may be a better choice than over-the-counter cough and cold medicines.最近一位儿科医生告诉我说,要治疗感冒,鸡汤的效果可能比OTC咳嗽感冒药更好。

6.Color seems to be integral component of an OTC product, the team says.研究团队称:颜色似乎是OTC药物不可或缺的元素。

7.To be psted in the OTC market is the dream of every entrepreneur, because it means the success of a company.上柜是每一个企业家的梦想,因为这代表著企业到达了一定的规模。

8.Companies wishing to market OTC drugs that do not meet the monograph requirements can submit and receive approval of a new drug apppcation.如果制药公司希望标记OTC但没有达到专著要求的,均可以提交新药上市的申请和获得注册新药的许可。

9.It is the only recognized OTC treatment for improving the appearance of disfiguring and emotionally devastating pigmentary skin conditions.这是唯一承认的非处方药治疗改善外观毁损和感情上破坏性色素的皮肤条件。

10.There is always a chance that the party on the other side of an OTC trade will default.在直接交易贸易过程中总是存在着达成协议的另一方违约的风险。