


美式发音: [ˈtiˌhaʊs] 英式发音: [ˈtiːˌhaʊs]






n.1.a small restaurant, especially in Asia, where tea and cakes are served2.a tearoom

1.茶馆 茶缸,茶缸子〖 mug〗 茶馆teahouse〗 茶褐色〖 darkbrown〗 ...

2.茶室 development n. 发展;生长 teahouse n. 茶馆;茶室 design vt.&n. 设计;计划 ...

3.茶楼 茶枯〖 sasanguacake〗 茶楼teahouse〗 茶末〖 teadust〗 ...

4.茶座 茶子油〖 tea-seedoil〗 茶座teahouse〗 茶余饭后〖 overacupofteaorafterameal——atone’slei…

5.茶社 茶色〖 darkbrown;tawny〗 茶社teahouse〗 茶水摊〖 tea-stall〗 ...

6.小茶馆儿 费格茶社( FicusTeahouse) 小茶馆儿( Teahouse) 外婆的澎湖湾( PenghuSound) ...


8.一家茶馆我们约在新竹的一家茶馆teahouse),用英文谈论著心经(Heart Sutra),师父用英文跟我解释因果(cause and effect)、 …


1.To her surprise, she found herself in a classroom that had been turned into a makeshift teahouse - complete with fancy tea sets.她原以为要坐在课桌前死盯着黑板,后来却惊喜地发现,教室竟然被装饰成一个临时茶室,布满了精致茶具。

2.Do not go anywhere which will involve spending money - be it a teahouse, a gift shop, an art gallery or a restaurant - with these people.任何地方不要去将介入花费金钱假如是一家茶馆、一家礼品店、美术画廊或者一家餐馆-有这些人的。

3.Several Chinese backpackers were resting in a primitive teahouse drinking yak butter tea around the fire. We fell naturally into a group.在一家设备简陋的茶馆里﹐有几个中国背包客围着火喝在酥油茶﹐我们自然而然地结合为一小组。

4.Do you know that this restaurant used to be the teahouse where we first met?你知道吗,这个餐馆就是我们第一次见面的那个茶馆呢。

5.Before his shift at the teahouse, he would take a nap under a tree and look at the sea and think about the water in front of him.去茶棚休息之前,他会在树下休息一会儿,看看海,思考一下面前的无垠水波。

6.Conducts tea party's room to call the teahouse, also said that this, the tea mat or only call the mat.举办茶会的房间称茶室,也称本席、茶席或者只称席。

7.Like them, I also sat me down in a teahouse, and began to enjoy the moment provided by this street fair wreathed in the smell of tobacco.于是,我也坐在了茶摊上,就着顶篷缝隙间漏下的幽暗光线,细细品味这个夹杂着浓浓的烟草与乡土气息的乡村集市。

8.The teahouse is modern, filled with youthful energy, and beside us, a snappy waitress with a slash of pink in her hair holds a digital pad.那家茶馆极其现代化并充满青春活力。在我们旁边有一位穿着非常时髦女服务生,她的一咎粉红色的头发斜梳向一边并手持一个点菜数码机。

9.I walked by a Chinese teahouse and a goldfish pond. Passing through a traditional moon gate, I entered beautiful oriental gardens.我走过一间中国茶馆和金鱼池,通过一座中国传统的月牙门,进到一座漂亮别致、具有东方色彩的花园。

10.Li was shocked, he suddenly remembered that he gave XiaoXiaoShui place is the teahouse, harshly scold himself was a fool.李方呆住了,他猛然间想起他给小小说的地点是茶馆,狠狠地责骂了自己真是个傻瓜。