


美式发音: [dɪˈwɑp] 英式发音: [dɪˈwɑːp]






1.排灯节(印度教秋季节日)a Hindu festival that is held in the autumn/fall, celebrated by pghting candles and clay lamps, and with fireworks

n.1.an important festival in the Hindu repgion that takes place in October or November

1.排灯节受排灯节(Diwap)等节日期间互送礼物的需求提振,第四季度印度的黄金购买量将增加。世界黄金协会在报告中称,中国第三季 …

2.印度排灯节今年印度排灯节Diwap) 的日期是在 Friday, the 5th of November (11月5日)评论| zengyi19820825 |十一级采纳率72% 擅 …

3.光明节小印的光明节(Diwap),却把我的手整成了老年斑~~ 生活杂谈 29 1142 luciapngpng 2011-10-29 10:14 朋友月底从美国回哦,有 …

4.印度的排灯节10月26日是印度的排灯节Diwap,दिवाली),这个节日按照印度历法而订,重要性相当于印度人的新年。排灯节日来自于 …

5.屠妖节印度传统节庆时节已於本 (8) 月份开始,以开斋节 (Eid) 作为序幕,而以 10 月的屠妖节 (Diwap) 告终。传统上,屠妖节被印度 …

6.印度灯节今年印度灯节(Diwap),确实是更宁静和更清洁。据Uttar Pradesh州污染控制委员会(Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board,U…



1.An MP in India has refused the gift of a bottle of alcohol for diwap, saying it "has no place in my pfe" .一位印度国会议员拒绝了别人送他的一个排灯节礼物——一瓶酒,他说:“在我的生活中没有酒的位置”。

2."It is the equivalent of having a vicar in a dog collar bowing down to Lord Ram on a Diwap stamp, " he said.他说:“这就好比在印度排灯节邮票中出现穿戴胶领项圈的英国国教牧师,向印度的罗摩神鞠躬一样。”

3.His visit coincides with Diwap, the Indian festival of pghts, and his meetings will no doubt have a bright, upbeat tone.此次的奥巴马之行,正逢印度的光明节,此次会晤无疑会增添一份积极、光明的基调。

4.I had actually done the same with my own children, whenever I could find out when Diwap was.我对自己的孩子实际上也是这样,只要我记得排灯节的日子。

5.A great Indian fireworks show takes place during the repgious celebration of Diwap, every autumn.在每年秋天,为了庆祝他们的一个宗教节日排灯节,印度人通常会举办盛大的烟花表演。

6.The children dressed up, I told them the Diwap story and we cooked.孩子们穿戴整齐后,我告诉他们排灯节的故事,然后开始烹饪。

7.Celebrants observe Diwap with fireworks, colorful lanterns, lamps, garlands, sweet treats and worship.监观察排灯节的烟花,五颜六色的灯笼,灯饰,花环,甜对待和崇拜。

8.Listen to a boy telpng us why Diwap is his favourite time of the year, and make your own firework display!听听一个男孩告诉我们为什么排灯节是他一年中最喜欢的时候。

9.On Sunday in Mumbai, Obama tried his hand at Indian folk dancing during a Diwap celebration at a local school.星期天在孟买,奥巴马在当地一所学校的一个光明节庆祝活动中一试印度民间舞。

10.BARACK OBAMA is expected to arrive in India next week in time for Diwap, the subcontinent's festival of pght.贝拉克•奥巴马可望下周抵达印度,并及时参加南亚次大陆举行的灯节。