


网络释义:Oracle Wallet Manager; 度量衡处; 网上批发模式


1.Oracle Wallet Manager ARI 空调与制冷学会[美] OWM 度量衡处 LA [美]各州的两院制议会 ...

3.网上批发模式 owlb 拶 owm ownq 鼪 ...

5.位置 - hyperrate_馆档网 ... owm; 全国 owm; 位置 owr; 优点 ...

6.全国 - hyperrate_馆档网 ... owi; 集团 owm; 全国 owm; 位置 ...


1.I said it would start a bad habit and that she should do her owm work.我告诉她那样做会养成坏习惯,她应该自己独立完成作业。

2.Because surmounting every difficulty, she still persevered in her owm career.因为她排除万难,始终坚守自己的事业。

3.Anyone that tries to take away your gennine love is either jealous of you in some way, or lacks confidence and self-esteem of their owm.那些试图夺走你的挚爱的人,他们要么是嫉妒你,要么是他们本来就对自己缺乏信心和关爱。

4.Thanks to the confidence I picked up from Helen, I dreamed of having my owm restaurant one day.多亏了我从海伦身上学得自信,我梦想有一天拥有我自己的饭店。