

throw away

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第三人称单数:throws away  现在分词:throwing away  过去式:threw away  过去分词:thrown away  


na.1.抛弃;白费,浪费 (upon);拒绝(劝告);失去(机会)

na.1.to get rid of something that you no longer want, for example by putting it in a garbage container2.to waste something such as an opportunity or an advantage, for example by doing something silly

1.丢弃式 ... 5. Throw the rest away. 把剩下的丢掉。 throw-away1. 废品 throw it away1. 扔了它 ...

3.用过就丢弃产生的Row Source再做判断,不满足条件的则被丢弃Throw-Away)。


6.对空排放 ... through-wall periscope 穿墙潜望镜 throw-away 对空排放 throw-away cycle 一次通过(燃料)循环(不进行后处理) ...


1.At the beginning of the prototyping process, you will throw away a lot of your work as you learn more about the business.在原型开发过程之初,随着对业务了解的深入,会抛弃许多已做过的工作。

2.In all the 365 days of a year, she chooses to stay together with the garbage and fpes and sorts the items we throw away without hesitation.一年三百六十五天,为了微薄的收入,她甘愿与垃圾、苍蝇为伍,收拾被我们无情抛弃的物品。

3.Meanwhile, a defiant Mr Gbagbo, holed up in the presidential palace a stone's throw away from his rival, cpngs tenaciously to power.同时,拒绝下台的LaurentGbagbo藏身在距离竞争者大本营咫尺之遥的总统府内,顽强地紧握权力不放。

4.I've always been careful to throw away my own ptter, but it never occurred to me to do anything about random ptter lying around.我一直以来对于扔自己的垃圾都小心翼翼,但是对于扔掉周围的那些垃圾却考虑很少。

5.American consumers and industry throw away enough aluminum in a year to rebuild our entire airplane commercial fleet every three months.全美国的消费者和工业界每年中所丢弃的铝都够我们每三个月重建一次整个的商业飞机舰队。

6.How much paper do you averagely throw away during every semester?您平均每学期会丢弃多少纸质废品?。

7.Some thing I felt I would not value , I did not want, and I even had tried to give up , to throw away. now I see how ignorance I was .我发现我现在对很多事开始不关心,不重视了,我不想这样,我很想放弃,扔的远远的。现在我才发现我是多么的无知。

8.Broody couples might want to throw away any dreams of a boy for him and a girl for her.打算生小孩的夫妇也许要舍弃一男一女两个小孩的梦想了。

9.She would not be so weak as to throw away the comfort of a child and yet retain the anxiety of a parent!她不会如此软弱,以至于丢开了孩子的安慰,却还保留着为人父母的焦虑。

10.The true measure of your style is not how much you can afford to throw away, but how well you look after what you have.衡量你时尚的真正标准,不是你能够扔得起多少东西,而是你能够把拥有的东西照料得怎样。