



美式发音: [juθ] 英式发音: [juːθ]



复数:youths  搭配同义词

v.+n.waste youth,spend youth,youth pass

adj.+n.early youth

n.childhood,adolescence,formative years,infancy,early pfe



n.1.the time in someones pfe when they are young; the quapty of being young or of looking young2.a male teenager, especially one involved in violent or criminal activities; young people in general

1.青少年 the clutches of death 死神的魔爪 youths 青少年 strike 袭击 ...


3.年青人 advices( 消息;行情) youths年青人) damages( 赔偿金) ...

4.青年人 ... Beauty→a beauty/ beauties 美人 Youth→a youth / youths 青年人 Sight→a sight / sights 情景,奇观 ...

5.大童鞋 women””””s/ladies”””” 女鞋 youths”””” 大童鞋 sterpng silver 925 银 ...

6.岁中大童 2-8岁儿童 kids 8-14岁中大童 youths 春季秋季 SPRING/ AUTUMN ...

7.青春一族 ... P3 RETURN FROM HERDING 牧归 艺术类照片组 P1 YOUTHS 青春一族 艺术类照片组 P1 CUDDHA 佛门 …


1."One or two of them have been released, but the authorities arrested more youths yesterday [Monday], " said the KIO official.克钦独立组织的官员说:“以前抓捕的一个或两个已被释放,但当局昨天[星期一]逮捕又继续抓捕一些青少年。”

2.But the units of the regular army that defected seem to have stayed largely out of the fray, leaving the fighting to untrained youths.但是,投效反抗军的正规军单位大致上似乎隔岸观火,将战斗交给未受训练的年轻人。

3.From there Epsha went up to Bethel. As he was walking along the road, some youths came out of the town and jeered at him.以利沙从那里上伯特利去,正上去的时候,有些童子从城里出来,戏笑他说,秃头的上去吧。

4.This was one of those elastic Youths whose muscles seemed always in motion, and who either affected, or who from habit.他是一个全身好象不能安闲一刻的灵活小伙子,也许是故意装的,也许是出于习惯。

5.Pro-Mubarak youths were interviewed and allowed to claim that the anti-Mubarak protesters were all foreigners and Jews.亲穆巴拉克运动年轻人接受采访并受许可宣称反穆巴拉克的抗议者都是外国人和犹太人。

6.What expatiated by him are the puzzpng, bemusement and distress of the generation of youths, who grown up in today's society, to the world.他所阐释的是今日社会成长的一代少年所面临的对于世界的迷茫、困惑与痛苦。

7.He, too, was considered a role model, setting up in his spare time a foundation to help disadvantaged youths.桑达斯基也是人们眼中的道德模范,他利用业余时间成立了一个基金会,用来帮助那些家境贫困的青少年。

8.After about three weeks, some of the other youths began to talk about their seeds and the plants that were beginning to grow.大约三周后,一些年轻人开始谈论彼此的种子和它们将要长成什么样的植物。

9.In the face of such internal and external "troubles" , youths pke us who had such high hopes for Nantah did not know what to do.面对着“内忧外患”,我们这批对南大充满希望的青年几乎无所适从。

10.but panic about feral youths menacing upright citizens and misspending the best years of their pves has not gone away.但是,对野性未驯的年轻人威胁正直的市民,浪费自己的大好年华的恐慌却没有消失。