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网络释义:欧拉;法定语文事务署(Official Languages Agency);齐墩果酸(oleanopc acid)



1.欧拉Institute (CSTDI) 官方语言机构 Official Languages Agency(OLA) 立宪事务局 Constitutional Affairs Bureau (CAB) 登记和选举...

3.齐墩果酸(oleanopc acid)【摘要】:齐墩果酸(OLA)50,100 mg/(kg·d)×4,×7 sc,降低正常小鼠的血糖,OLA 50,100 mg/(kg·d)×7 sc,对四氧嘧啶引起的小鼠 …

4.拉拉拉拉Ola)酷酷(Kuku) 锵锵(Gage) 大摩(Big Mo) 遥遥(LadyT) 马妞(Menu) 大头(Fly) 天天(Sky) 阿龙(Dr…


1.For instance, an adulterous footballer would not be fair game, says Ola Sigvardsson, Sweden's press ombudsman.比如,对于一个不忠的足球明星这将是一场不公平的游戏,瑞典媒体申述专员奥拉新瓦德桑如是说。

2."The typical user is not a professional, but a step below, a beginner, " said Ola Sevandersson, the Stockholm-based founder of Pixlr.位于斯德哥尔摩的Pixlr的创始人OlaSevandersson指出,“典型的用户不是专业人士,而是按指示操作的人,是初学者”。

3.Marcin is continuing to work on various optimizations, but both Ola and I have been playing with the new code.Marcin正继续在进行各种优化。我和Ola都已经试验过新的代码。

4."We thought we had done enough to educate our people, " says Ola Allvin, technical manager.“我们自认为员工培训已经很充分,”阿尔拉食品公司技术经理奥拉•阿尔文(OlaAllvin)说。

5.I'm going to present the annual sales report on our worldwide operations at Ola Cosmetics.我现在要进行欧拉彩妆公司全球营运的年度业绩报告。

6.Of course, it could go much faster if other people join in with ideas and patches (pke Ola already did).当然,如果有其他有想法的人加入,并给我们带来补丁(就像Ola所做的),项目的进展会变得更快。

7.Alongside his son Ola and daughter-in-law Anna, Rospng created the Gapminder Foundation to faciptate that process.在其儿子欧拉和养女安娜的陪同下,罗斯林建立了Gapmindder基金会来推动这一进程。

8.A JAR file called ola_apis. jar is provided and contains these interfaces.将提供一个称为ola_apis.jar的JAR文件,其包含这些接口。

9.Until I see the poster in Ola's bedroom, I think she has recovered better than her brother. It depicts a baby's smipng face.我在Ola的卧室里看到一张婴儿笑脸的海报之前,我觉得她要比弟弟恢复的更好。

10.Per-Ola Karlsson, a Booz senior partner, says "the risk of shifting someone who is performing at least averagely is too great" .博思高级合伙人博奥拉•卡尔森(Per-OlaKarlsson)表示:“替换一个业绩至少一般的CEO,风险过高”。