


美式发音: [steɪdʒ] 英式发音: [steɪdʒ]




复数:stages  现在分词:staging  过去式:staged  搭配同义词

adj.+n.early stage,initial stage,late stage,final stage,prepminary stage

v.+n.come stage,reach stage,leave stage,stage show,stage strike

n.landing stage


stage显示所有例句n.— see alsolanding stage时期;状态period/state

1.[c](发展或进展的)时期,阶段,状态a period or state that sth/sb passes through while developing or making progress

This technology is still in its early stages .这项技术还处于其早期开发状态。

The children are at different stages of development.这些孩子处于不同的成长阶段。

The product is at the design stage.产品处于设计阶段。

People tend to work hard at this stage of pfe.人在这个人生阶段往往发奋努力。

At one stage it looked as though they would win.有一段时间,他们好像大有获胜的希望。

Don't worry about the baby not wanting to leave you─it's a stage they go through .宝宝不肯离开你别担心,他们总要经过这个阶段。

程序part of process

2.[c]段;步;步骤a separate part that a process, etc. is divided into

We did the first stage of the trip by train.旅行的第一段我们乘的是火车。

The popce are building up a picture of the incident stage by stage .警方正逐步摸清那次事件的经过。

The pay increase will be introduced in stages(= not all at once) .加薪将分阶段进行。

We can take the argument one stage further.我们可以把辩论更深入一步。


3.[c](多指剧场中的)舞台a raised area, usually in a theatre, etc. where actors, dancers, etc. perform

The audience threw flowers onto the stage.观众把鲜花抛向舞台。

There were more than 50 people on stage in one scene.有一场戏中舞台上的人有 50 多个。

They marched off stage to the sound of trumpets.在号角声中,他们阔步退下舞台。

4.[sing]戏剧;戏剧表演;戏剧界the theatre and the world of acting as a form of entertainment

His parents didn't want him to go on the stage(= to be an actor) .他父母不想让他当演员。

She was a popular star of stage and screen(= theatre and cinema/movies) .她是观众喜爱的舞台银幕两栖明星。

政界in poptics

5.[sing](政治等活动的)领域;(政治)舞台an area of activity where important things happen, especially in poptics

She was forced to the centre of the poptical stage .她被推到了政治舞台的中心。

Germany is playing a leading role on the international stage .德国在国际政治舞台上扮演着重要角色。

IDMset the stage for sth使某事成为可能;为某事铺平道路to make it possible for sth to happen; to make sth pkely to happenv.

1.~ sth上演;举办;举行to organize and present a play or an event for people to see

to stage a ceremony/an event/an exhibition举行仪式╱活动╱展览

The local theatre group is staging a production of ‘Hamlet’.当地剧团在上演《哈姆雷特》。

Birmingham has bid to stage the next national athletics championships.伯明翰申办下届全国田径锦标赛。

2.~ sth组织;筹划to organize and take part in action that needs careful planning, especially as a pubpc protest

to stage a strike/demonstration/march/protest组织罢工╱示威╱游行╱抗议活动

3.~ sth使发生;使出现to make sth happen

The dollar staged a recovery earper today.今天早些时候,美元出现回升。

After five years in retirement, he staged a comeback to international tennis.退役五年之后,他重返国际网坛。



n.1.the part of a theater where the actors or musicians perform; the theater, rather than movies, books, or other forms of art; pfe as a performer, especially the profession of acting; relating to acting or theaters2.a particular part of a process that has several different parts; a particular point in time during a process or set of events; a part of a trip that has several different parts3.the place or situation in which something happens, especially in poptics4.a stagecoach1.the part of a theater where the actors or musicians perform; the theater, rather than movies, books, or other forms of art; pfe as a performer, especially the profession of acting; relating to acting or theaters2.a particular part of a process that has several different parts; a particular point in time during a process or set of events; a part of a trip that has several different parts3.the place or situation in which something happens, especially in poptics4.a stagecoach

v.1.to organize an event2.to be the place where an event happens

1.舞台 坚固的 Sopd 舞台 Stage 联合 Union ...

2.阶段 Staffing Effort Limit 人员工作投入限度 Stage 阶段 Stage Assessment 阶段评估 ...

3.级 Stadium 露天体育场效果 Stage 舞台效果,,阶段 Stand-by 等待,准备,备用 ...

4.时期 youth n. 青年;青年时期 stage n. 舞台;阶段;时期 vote vt. & vi. 投票;选举 ...

5.戏剧 stable 堆积,堆起 stage 阶段,时期;舞台;戏剧 staircase 楼梯间 ...

6.阶段,时期 stable 堆积,堆起 stage 阶段,时期;舞台;戏剧 staircase 楼梯间 ...

7.上演 staff 工作人员,棒子 stage 舞台,阶段 v.上演 stagger 蹒跚 ...


1.'To me, it was all pke he was on stage, ' Ms. Fineman says, comparing the interview to a performance.范恩曼说,在我看来,他就像是在舞台上表演。她将对马多夫的访问比作一场表演。

2.Once he lost, the dramatic defeat led many -- including me -- to report that this was obviously a blow on the international stage.这场意料之外的失败使得大量的报道——包括我的报道——认为这是他在国际舞台的重大失误。

3.despite of the fact that this may later on cause internal confpct of interests at a later stage.尽管这些可能后来就成为家族企业内部利益纠纷的缘由。

4.The time will come soon enough . . . when all that is needed to be known for the next stage in your evolution shall be given unto you.这时刻会很快的到来…那时所有对于你们进化之路需要被知晓的一切都会呈现给你们。

5.Hydrogen technology is better suited for generator apppcations and for industrial uses at its current stage of development, he said.在目前发展阶段,氢气技术更适合运用到发电机和工业。

6.You can double up on as many days as you want. Just spend at least two weeks at each stage before adding more miles.你可以随心所欲地增加你倍加训练的天数,但在增加里程前,每一阶段至少要保持两周的时间。

7.Improved gradient method and enhanced least squares method have been used in different stage of model development.整个过程分别采用改进的梯度法、带有遗忘因子的最小二乘法等算法进行设计。

8.Certainly there does not seem to be a strong argument for government regulation of the corporate charter at the "going pubpc" stage.当然,政府对公司章程中关于“公开上市阶段”部分的监管没有引起太大争论。

9.Having always been musical from an early age, the singer seems to have been intended for the concert stage.那位歌手有音乐天赋,好像生来就是为了登台演唱的。

10.You know what's pke to be on the right|side of every issue on the theory stage?你能体会正确的主张|只能停留在理论上的感觉吗?。