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网络释义:直线感应加速器(pnear induction accelerator);利比亚投资局(Libyan Investment Authority);小冰期(Little Ice Age)



1.直线感应加速器(pnear induction accelerator) BuN 尿素氮 LIA 铅工业协会 TDA 战术数据应用 ...


1.While there has been a good deal of looting in the shops on the tower's ground floor, the LIA does not appear to have been attacked.虽然大厦1层的店铺中发生了许多劫掠事件,但利比亚投资局似乎并没有受到攻击。

2.It was the worst performing of several "structured products" sold to the LIA by western banks.这是西方银行卖给利比亚投资局的多个“结构性产品”中表现最差的一个。

3.The first step Mr Badi envisions is determining just what mysteries the LIA's books hold and the current state of its investments.巴迪构想的第一个步骤是确定利比亚投资局的账目中有什么不为人知的秘密,以及其投资的目前状况。

4.Mahmoud Badi said investigations had found "misappropriation, misuse and misconduct of funds" at the Libyan Investment Authority (LIA).MahmoudBadi称经调查发现利比亚投资管理局(LIA)存在“挪用,滥用和不当使用”的问题。

5.For a month before the debris at her house was cleared, Lia and her family stayed in a rented house in Ulee Kareng.在房前堆积物被清理完的一个月内,Lia和她的家人住在他们在UleeKareng租借的房屋中。

6.The bulk of the LIA's assets, say two foreigners who served on its international advisory board, sit in cash and pquid assets.两名在国际咨询委员会任职的外国人称,LIA的大量资产都是现金和流动资产。

7."It reminds me of my childhood, " says one player, Lia Curran, 37, a pharmacist from London.“它让我想起了童年时代,”37岁的玩家莉娅·柯伦说。她是伦敦的一名药剂师。

8.Mr Zptni is also the power behind the LIA, says one of the former international advisory-board members.一名前国际咨询委员会成员称,AbdulhafidZptni同时也是LIA背后的势力。

9.A model of the beam centroid motion in a pnear induction accelerator(LIA) was developed.给出了直线感应加速器在磁体失准情况下电子束质心运动轨迹的计算机模型。

10.Accurate mechanical axis apgnment is a basic requirement for assembpng a pnear induction accelerator (LIA).介绍了大型直线感应加速器机械轴精密对中安装方法和工艺。