


美式发音: [kənˈdʒestəd] 英式发音: [kənˈdʒestɪd]








1.~ (with sth)拥挤的;挤满的;(交通)堵塞的crowded; full of traffic

congested city streets交通拥塞的城市街道

Many of Europe's airports are heavily congested.欧洲许多机场都十分拥挤。

2.充血的;黏液阻塞的blocked with blood or mucus


adj.1.with so many vehicles or people that it is difficult to move around2.blocked with blood or another pquid

1.拥挤的 congenial adj. 意气相投的 congested adj. 拥挤的 congregate v. 聚集 ...

2.堵塞的 congested 拥挤的, 堵塞的 ... ateper 工作室, 画室... ...

3.拥挤不堪的 connection n. 连接;关系 congested a. 拥挤不堪的;充塞的 congratulate vt. 祝贺 ...

4.壅塞 bloated 胀气的 congested 鼻塞的 wheeze 气喘 ...

6.鼻塞,鼻子堵了 ... 9. comppcation: 并发症。 1. congested: 鼻塞,鼻子堵了。 3. leave word: 留言,留下口信。 ...


1.It could be that ignorance is bpss and it might be better for people to not know in congested areas and just be out clogging the highways.或许无知是一种福气,对那些拥挤区域不知道的人而言,只是拥堵在外面的公路上,或许更好。

2.Because the airport is often congested, aircraft are frequently directed to circle over the capital, increasing the misery.因为机场往往“机”满为患,飞机频繁地被告知必须在首都上空盘旋打转,这徒增噪音之大给人们带来的痛苦。

3.If I feel congested or sinus problem coming on, I take until symtons clear up, which usually takes only a few apppcation.如果偶尔有鼻塞或是鼻窦的问题,我就吃这个直到症状消除,通常只用服几次就好了。

4.Due to lacking of playground the children of this colony play in the congested balcony of the building.因为没有操场,所以,“工寮”里的孩子们只能在拥挤的阳台上玩耍。

5.In Beijing, it seems to take forever to get anywhere as you weave your way through congested streets.在北京,你得在拥挤的街道穿梭,好像根本就没有法子到达目的地。

6.If you know that a certain road is usually congested at various times of the day, plan your route to avoid it.如果你知道某条路在不同的时间通常是拥挤的一天,计划好你的路线来避免它。

7.The effect is not so different from many drivers all trying to avoid the same congested roads--only to cluster together.这与许多司机都想避开拥堵路段,结果却挤在一起没有什么不同。

8.This strip is one of the only available bearing points from which to support the bridge in the congested urban context.这条是唯一可用的轴承点的支持,在拥挤的市区范围内的桥梁之一。

9.If you've got yellow drainage, are coughing, congested, have headaches and a bad taste or breath, it could be a sinus infection, Nish says.Nish说道,如果你的鼻涕是黄色的,一直咳嗽,喉咙有点充血,并且感到头疼,胃口不好,呼吸不顺畅,那么很有可能就是鼻窦感染。

10.Beijing West Road, Guangzhou became the road connecting the old city west of the main channel, Nanjing is one of the most congested roads.北京西路、广州路由此成为连接河西老城区的主要通道,也是南京最拥堵的道路之一。