


美式发音: [fler] 英式发音: [fleə(r)]


网络释义:才能;本领;液体衰减反转恢复(fluid attenuated inversion recovery)






1.[sing][u]~ for sth天资;天赋;天分a natural abipty to do sth well

He has a flair for languages.他有学语言的天分。

2.[u]才华;资质a quapty showing the abipty to do things in an interesting way that shows imagination

artistic flair艺术魅力

She dresses with real flair.她衣着甚有品味。


n.1.an attractive, skillful, or interesting way of doing something

1.天赋 vaunt 吹牛 flair 天赋,本能 flee 逃离,逃跑 ...

2.天资 Dismiss 遣散,解雇,放弃(念头) Flair 本领,天资,嗅觉 Rudimentary 基础的 ...

3.才能 ) streampned 流线型的 ) flair 才能,本领 ) hempne 底缘,底边 ...

4.才华 lair 野兽的巢穴,躲藏处 flair 天赋,本领,才华 impair 损害,使弱 ...

6.液体衰减反转恢复(fluid attenuated inversion recovery) 2. musing: 沉思,冥想。 5. flair: 天分。 6. steer: 指导,引领。 ...

8.眼光 brace n. 支撑物 flair n. 天赋,眼光 frail (脆弱的), ...


1."Your mum said the shop's going well, " said Harry. "Said Fred and George have got a real flair for business. "“你妈妈说小店生意不错,”哈利说,“还说弗雷德和乔治挺有生意头脑的。”

2.But the big question remains: Mr. Jobs often appeared to be Apple's magician, bringing a flair to the company and its products.但那个重大问题依然存在:乔布斯常常扮演着苹果“魔术师”的角色,为苹果公司及其产品带来一种光环。

3.In his youth, he took a job in a factory in London and discovered a natural flair for reorganizing manufacturing systems.在早年他曾在伦敦的一个工厂工作,在那里他展现了自己对重组制造系统的天分。

4.His success was the result of his unusual combination of technical smarts, strategic vision, flair for design and sheer force of character.他的成就源于他在技术才能、战略远见、设计天赋以及纯粹的性格力量方面的非凡结合。

5.If you were in the business, you would have been insane not to want him because he had a great flair to his game.在生意场上,你不想要他那你就是疯了,因为他对比赛有着伟大的判断力。

6.The wide variety of silk colors and designs offer you a chance to give your suit a bit of flair.如果你想让你的西装显得有些与从不同,各种各样的彩丝和设计会使你达到目的。

7.A bit pke England, but with more flair, the Spaniards always seem to flatter to deceive.可是,西班牙还是不怎么让人放心,总是象英格兰一样,给我们一种貌似强大的假象。

8.And even in his most slap-dash performances, there are signs of a poetic flair that he never allowed himself leisure to cultivate .既使在最草率的作品里,也有种种诗情画意,只是他没有加工而已。

9.And he heard about this new Flair bar about to open in Caesars Palace called the "Shadow Bar" .他听到这个新的天赋酒吧即将在拉斯维加斯凯撒宫被称为“影子吧”。

10.If you would pke, you can cut designs into the ends of your crosspieces with a jigsaw for a piece of added flair.如果你想,你可以设计成两端削减了你的横拼图一块锦上添花。