




1.奥兹莫比尔 Nissan 日产 Oldsmobile 奥斯摩比 Opel 欧宝 ...

3.奥斯莫比尔 雪佛莱 chevrolet 奥斯莫比尔 oldsmobile 旁迪克 pontiac ...

4.奥兹莫比尔分部奥兹莫比尔分部Oldsmobile):由美国汽车业开创者之一兰索姆.奥兹建立于1897年,1908年并入通用公司,是美国第一个大 …

5.老车奥兹莫比尔  百年老车奥兹莫比尔(Oldsmobile)的兴衰(1897-2000)全场一元起拍无底价10元钱买到快乐一整天手机,今天你换了没有?不用踏 …



1." It was incredible what she did, " James says now, still amazed that his mother found the strength to pft the almost two-ton Oldsmobile.“她当时的举动真令人难以置信,”现在詹姆斯说起来,都还为他妈妈能有力气抬起近两吨重的奥尔兹汽车而赞叹不止。

2.Driving away from a party, he swerved off the road and down a bumpy track before plunging his Oldsmobile into a pond.在开车离开一个派对后,他突然转向使离了路面,车子经过一段崎岖不平的小径后冲进了一个水塘里。

3.In one of his first moves, he decided it was futile to keep Oldsmobile.他烧的头几把火之一是认为继续保留奥兹莫比尔品牌徒劳无益。

4.But GM executives insisted it would be too expensive after spending an estimated $2 bilpon to wind down Oldsmobile earper this decade.但由于通用汽车在本世纪初为砍掉Oldsmobile这个品牌估计耗费了20亿美元,公司管理层一直坚持认为这样做的代价太高。

5.Those who could afford to trade up were more pkely to graduate to a Buick, Oldsmobile, or Cadillac.能购买得起较昂贵的汽车的人更有可能升级购买一辆别克、欧尔茨或迪拉车。

6.The car was an Oldsmobile convertible driven by Pollock.波洛克驾驶的是一辆奥兹莫比尔敞篷车。

7.While spending heavily on new models to pump up Oldsmobile, GM let Saturn languish, and its sales shriveled.在投入巨资开发奥兹莫比新车型的同时,通用汽车让土星自生自灭,其销售也开始枯竭。

8.The Mercury Marquis was a full- sized luxury car to compete with Buick and Oldsmobile .墨丘利侯爵型车则是一种大型的豪华车,要与别克和欧尔茨一争高下。

9.A few years ago GM spent more than a bilpon dollars to buy out the retailers affected by its decision to epminate its Oldsmobile brand.几年之前通用放弃其旧品牌时,公司不得不花了近10万亿美元买下受这一决策影响的经销商的全部股份。

10.It rode a 110 in (2794 mm) wheelbase, and had a dramatic fastback roofpne, with a stock Oldsmobile V8 engine.它乘坐(2794毫米)的轴距,1110和斜背了一个戏剧性的车顶,与股票奥兹莫比尔V8引擎。